How to balance //Reality in life

in Freewriters2 days ago (edited)

make yourself happy

Our lives are not always balanced, there must be ups and downs, there are ups, downs and bends, therefore we must always be careful in taking steps, because if we take the wrong step then we will regret it for the rest of our lives.

I always try to balance this situation carefully, so that my life always goes well, no one knows that I am having a hard time, or am facing problems because whenever there is a problem we never show it to other people, the point is that problems at home do not need to be known at our workplace.

Only we know about our own problems, and how to solve them, therefore we must equip ourselves with knowledge, because with knowledge we will be able to think, what about those who always have problems and don't know how to solve them?

In my opinion, it's not that they are unable to complete it, but because they have a high ego so that they only prioritize their ego rather than thinking rationally, the balance that I mean here is our ability to control the situation, like the proverb "take knowledge from rice that the more it is filled, the more it bends" I have a principle that my parents always taught me, namely.

👉don't run away from problems, because problems will always come to us, so face the problem wisely, the more we run the closer it gets.

👉 Always think positively so that your life is peaceful and calm.

👉 Do something fun when you are bored so that your life continues to be passionate.

There is no such thing as impossible as long as we are willing to try and believe in ourselves, just like what I feel right now, being humble does not mean being low, as long as it is for the good I will do it.

Thank you to my friends @wakeupkitty and @aneukpineng78 who organized this amazing contest..


Bagaimana pak @aneukpineng78 apakah tulisan saya sudah benar? Atau masih ada yang harus saya perbaiki?😁

 2 days ago 

You used the prompt and it's longer than the 10 minutes writing with a prompt should take. I wonder if you tried writing this way. Set a time for 10 minutes and just type what comes to mind and stop if the alarm goes.

Your text is good and it's clear you put a lot of effort in it but it would be good if you let go of all the extras and just write without being afraid the decision you took will affect you

I wonder about your niche. I can guess about it but I don't see it clearly. Is advising others your niche? If that's the case it's good to not be afraid of wrong decisions and stand for what you say. You are a strong woman and you have the right to show that. Who knocks at your door and ask for help, answers should be able to hear it without being mad.

I suggest you write another text, a freewrite with a different prompt and you type about your niche for 10 minutes. If that doesn't work, just type what comes to mind.

Good luck dear.

Title: good
Photo: good
Hashtags: good

Terimakasih temanku, saya belum pernah mencoba menulis dalam waktu 10 menit, dikarenakan saya harus membawa tulisan saya ke google menyalin kembali dan menempelkannya .

Saya sedang belajar menggunakan terjemahan bahasa inggris walaupun agak kesulitan tapi saya sudah berusaha.

Handphone saya juga sedang bermasalah dengan jaringan, dan agak lelet, biasanya saya menulis di sela waktu senggang dan sedang tidak melakukan apapun,....anda tahu saya harus berpacu dengan waktu untuk segera menyelesaikannya...

Ternyata membuat terjemahan ke google tidak segampang yang saya bayangkan.... mungkin karena saya belum terbiasa menggunakannya.

 7 hours ago 

Tulislah dalam bahasa Anda sendiri 10 menit. Anda dapat melakukan ini secara offline, tanpa internet. Tidak apa-apa jika, dalam tulisan bebas, cerita berakhir tiba-tiba. Intinya adalah berlatih untuk menulis melalui pikiran yang kita miliki. Setelah itu, Anda bisa menerjemahkannya. Semoga berhasil.

Terimakasih temanku, terkadang saya tidak puas kalau belum habis bercerita dan waktu yang di tentukan sudah habis.... sekarang saya menulis di google saja supaya cepat di terjemahkan, kemudian saya salin dan tempel kembali