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RE: No Need To Read

in Freewriters19 days ago

Temanku @xiao-aine. Saya dapat merasakan apa yang kamu katakan tentang kebohongan. Kamu ingin kejujuran dalam segala hal. itu kalimat bukan untuk sebuah kebohongan dalam kita membaca. Karena dalam kalimat Baca terus untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut akan membuat kita yang menginginkan menjadi penasaran. Seperti dalam acara yang ada di televisi, Bila banyak penontonnya maka iklan jeda akan terpasang. Namun walaupun ada iklan untuk beberapa waktu, penonton akan tetap setia menanti. Karena yang melihat acara tersebut penasaran pada akhir cerita dan rela menanti.

Berikut adalah terjemahan teks ke dalam bahasa Inggris:

My friend @xiao-aine, I can feel what you mean about lies. You yearn for honesty in all aspects. It's not just a phrase, but a truth we discover as we read. Because when we see the phrase "Read on to find out more," it piques our curiosity. Just like in TV shows, when there are many viewers, commercial breaks will appear. Yet, despite the ads, viewers will remain loyal and wait. For those watching are eager to know the ending and are willing to wait.

#wewrite #comment #uvf_info

 19 days ago 

I really hate the waiting and as soon as the commercial started I left and went doing something else. You know what I hated most? That I wanted to relax while watching a film after a long day and a film of 1.5 hours at most takes 3 hours because of all those commercials. It makes me lost my interest and with me many do because they keep zapping to a different TV station in the hope to see something else or they leave and go cook, check their phones, do the laundry and if the film continues it's again 15-20 minutes till the next commercials start. I am happy I no longer watch TV (at least 20 years) and can watch a film when I like if there is electricity.

#wewrite & #comment

 19 days ago 

Ternyata Anda juga tidak suka melihat televisi. Di zaman sekatang TV memang bukan jadi prioritas untuk menonton. Terlalu banyak iklan juga sangat membosankan. Saya kebih suka melihat filem lewat layar lebar melalui youtube. Untuk siaran langsung seperti permainan bola dunia baru kami memakai televisi.
Selamat malam sahabatku @wakeupkitty. Sehat dan bahagia selalu.

#wewrite #comment #uvf_info

Do many still watch TV? Once called an addiction but computers/phones are worse.

I go for a direct approach. I can't stand the nonsense talk and phrases like these. It's like chat got said: empty words from those who have nothing to tell to keep wasting my time and most likely try to sell something.