The End Of The Day

in Freewriterslast month


Every day is a new beginning..

Talking about the end of the day. We have to touch a bit about everyday life. So, how do we approach each day?

Normally, our mind approaches each day in one of two things. We either think of the past and reflect on it in our everyday life. Or, we are affected by our plans for tomorrow. Either way, we are affected by thoughts of a different day (either future you or past you) and start our day there.
Given the fact that our emotions plays a big part of our everyday life. This can be good or bad, depending on what has happened or what we think is going to happen in future. But, it is really important that we know that, the current moment shall be lived as it is. Otherwise, we are not living our moments.

Moving on, we can talk about the end of the day. We will highlight here the reason why it is important to think of our end of days.

In this area, we will talk about our unconscious mind. It is taking in every situation and every emotion that happened in the day and think about it while we are asleep. But, what takes the biggest part is our emotions before we sleep. What do we think about before we sleep?
When we are approaching the end of our day, it is important to get back to track and be in our normal state. Not overly happy or overly depressed. Because it is believed that this is the emotion that will take most effect and our unconscious mind will carry that over to the next day.

Stay Healthy!