Scream To Be Seen

in Freewriters2 months ago


This post is inspired by a poetry from Whitney Hanson. She says:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one around to hear it. Does it make a sound?
I have always said yes. But, recently I have been changing my answer.
What this question is asking is that the tree's existence is dependent on being perceived.
Does something becomes less real or not real at all if no one is watching?
I would like to say know. But, something within me screams otherwise.
~by Whitney Hanson

This was the first thing that I came across for her. Since then, I have been seeing what things she posts. Personally, I think this is the one poem that I like most so far.

The reason is that, this opens the door to us questioning our actions. Especially, when we write. If one day one of us wrote something and then asks those questions. Isn't true? Isn't true that there are a lot of things in life that would lose its meaning if we were to only reflect on ourselves and disregard others?

Are we asking for validation? Not necessarily. Because, we know from within that our thoughts and ideas would die if not shared with others.

I'd like to keep those questions open for you to put your own answer to them.

 2 months ago 

So you like poetry?
Why don't you try writing your own poem? Trying to share ideas or creativity from your mind.

It doesn't matter if people will see what you write, what is clear is that starting to put out what we have is more valuable than just spending time discussing other people's, so go ahead, but make your version too.

Well, I am not good in writing poems. XD

But, I liked this one. There are certain poems that gets stuck in your mind and repeats itself over time. This is one of them.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind to receive a negative feedback about something that I wrote. Because, writing is an ongoing process. But, I am more into writing articles than writing a poem.

Thanks for passing by, =D

La primera ley que debe tener un escritor es leer, leer y leer. Vas leyendo y creando. Sigues a escritores que te gustan y eso crea, un deseo de escribir. Se debe imitar. Usar estilos, fusionarlos y buscar el sitio donde quedar varado. Organizando tu propio mundo literario. Escribe poesía, prosa, historias, lo que te guste. Sabes manejar la trama. Me agrada conocer nuevos escritores.

I totally agree!

I can't stress enough on the importance of reading for a writer. Something that is less known by many is that, Aristotle (famous Greek philosopher) who has a lot of writings, was known as a reader.

People nowadays, prefer to be called a writer than reader. But, reading is more vast than writing.