Colour Your World

in Freewriters16 days ago (edited)


Greetings everyone,

Colour Your World.. What can be said about this? Well, there are many things that can be talked about in this area. But, let's focus about colours themselves. Are the colours we are seeing real? What is real and what is not?

There are a lot of beautiful things around us. We see the colours of sky, sea, different colours around us paint images of beauty.

This is going to be a very short post talking about what is real and what is not.

So, let us take for example the colour of grass. When we look at grass and see it as green. But, is it really green?

Latest studies are shocking when they attempt to answer that question. They are saying that our eyes have three receptors. So, when we look at grass our eye receptors receives these colours and our mind decode it as green. The same study has been conducted on dogs. They found that dogs are having two receptors, therefore they see grass as in beige colour.

So, what is beautiful and what is not?

It is safe to say that beauty resides in the eye of the person who sees things.

Cc. @aneukpineung78, @wakeupkitty


Beauty and colours are the same? Not to me. That many animals cannot see colours everyone knows or? What's that "new" study about? Do you know that we see with our brains? So if you were told that grass is red it would be red and not green. Many cannot even see the different shades of colours and the question remeans who do you colour your world? Isn't it more like an expression like brigthen up your life?

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Not to me.

Well, nothing fits everyone. I don't think we will have to take example to elaborate on that.

everyone knows or?

Ummm.. Maybe everyone does. Or, doesn't? I don't know honestly because, I do not have the numbers.

Do you know that we see with our brains?

There was no part in the post which says otherwise. Is there?

#wewrite #comment

I better leave it here. Commenting feels like a waste of time.
A good day

 14 days ago 

Clearly, humans and dogs have different ways of seeing things. It doesn't matter what color it actually is, beauty is created when every color comes together. Or maybe it's the togetherness of differences that makes life beautiful? That seems to be the case. Dare to be different means dare to add color. Be yourself and don't need to follow others, learn what you need, then do it in your own style. Show what your true colour is?

#wewrite #comment

Not sure what to say.. I think I liked what I read more than I had something to discuss over there. They say if you like or dislike something then your opinion will favor what you feel most towards.

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 13 days ago 

The task: write a review is not done by you. See #miner-wewrite Lesson 3.

Please, remove the hashtag to keep the lost with. Reviews clean.

 13 days ago (edited)

Haven't had 1 week till now where I didn't check all the boxes in the contest. Maybe a small technicality is missed. But, not more than that.

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