I Spy With My Little Eye
Beautiful blue eyes or beautiful brown eyes but what if each eye is a different color? Would you call them beautiful?
Today oddities are praised rather than ridiculed as they were when I went to school. For E.G. I had flaming red hair and often called carrot top and affectionately called Rusty or Red. I really didn’t mind but it seemed everyone with anything different than the norm was picked on and made feel they didn’t fit in.
To get back to crazy eyes or odd-eyed....There was a girl a few grades ahead of me in school who two different colored eyes. One eye was blue and the other hazel.
I heard it whispered around the school about this girl with two different colored eyes. I remember seeing her in the girls’ washroom and trying to look at her eyes without being obvious. She was a pretty girl and the two different colored eyes were beautiful.
With today’s advancements, contact lens would hide the condition but why bother. I’d I had two different colored eyes I would embrace it and enjoy the surprise on stranger’s faces when they looked at me.
Our eyes are usually the first thing people see when they look at us. Elizabeth Taylor was suppose to have unusual violet colored eyes. I read when she was born she never opened her eyes for two weeks and when she did they were this surprisedly lovely violet.
Even crossed eyes can be corrected. I know a few people who had one eye that seemed to have a mind of it’s own. They had it corrected with surgery.
Bug-eyed, crazy-eyed , odd-eyed or cross eyed, to see is a gift we should never take for granted.
...end of five minute freewrite with prompt Crazy Eyes.
For more info on freewriting check @mariannewest’s post Here.
Note: The condition of two different eye colors is known as Heterchromia Iridum and can occur in animals as well as humans. It only occurs in about 1 % of the population and can be inherited or caused by injury or disease.

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Really great freewrite. Very important topic. It seems to me that despite the grwoing efforts to make people more accepting of differences, kids will continue struggling with bullying and discrimination, even if they are "perfect", let alone if they have some sort of "physical defect".
I think that humanity is incurable when it comes to accepting differences and seeign beauty everywhere. Maybe one day someone will impose homonegization as a rule, as it has ben depicted in so many dystopic texts.
Thanks @hlezama! It would be boring if we were looking alike but that might stop the bullying and discrimination.
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I had a cat with two different coloured eyes once. I thought it was pretty striking, but he was also a cat.
It's a good thing that we've begun to appreciate oddities rather than ridicule them. Maybe as a species we're not so hopeless after all!
Neat! I would love to have a cat with two different colored eyes @wwwiebe.
It must be part of our evolution as human beings that we are starting to enjoy all the differences in each other instead of ridiculing them.
The phenomena that is such eyes is rare amongst us. But there has been a case or two that dragged controversy amongst our society couple of times. But for us, it's when one has coloured eyes... long ago it was affiliated with taboos and bad luck.
Then it became a thing as the effects of interracial relationships and marriages. Everyone wanted a child with a set of coloured eyes. But it was always interesting when the parents are both African and their child had coloured eyes. Today, we understand it happens when our iris doesn't have melanin.
I can see why it would be unusual and really beautiful if both parents, being African, to have a child with colored eyes. I’m glad it is not longer considered bad luck and there is a reason for it happening.
Nice free writing of different eyes with different thinking.
Thanks @kamrunnahar!
I wonder how she felt about her two colored eyes? So many of the things I hated about myself I now love. Nice freewrite
I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another!
Hi @owasco. I have a feeling she didn’t like it - being singled out as looking different than her peers at a young impressive age. I hope later she realized she was special.
Thanks for for delivering the next prompt.
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I love to spy with both eyes Hahahah
Haha. It’s always good to have two working eyes.
If I had had two different colored eyes, I would have boast of it because it is rare and people will stare in amazement.
I think it all depends on your reaction towards how people view you.
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I think two different coloured eyes would look great on you. It’s important to be happy with yourself and never get influenced by what others say about you.