Unavoidable Encounter | [es-en]

in Freewriters2 days ago (edited)

Encuentro ineludible

freewriters2a.jpegHuyendo por largo tiempo de mi destino. Un viernes, yendo a mi casa, cruzando la esquina, me encontré con él. Con un fuerte abrazo me dijo: —Tiempos sin vernos, querido amigo —.
— Ven, sigamos, te acompaño hasta el final de tu calle.

Unavoidable Encounter

Running away from my destiny for a long time. One Friday, going home, crossing the corner, I met him. With a strong hug, he said to me: —Long time no see, dear friend —.
— Come, let's continue, I'll accompany you to the end of your street.





[1] Las imágenes y gif son de mi creación a partir de Promts editados en Ideogram.ai. Dicha aplicación emplea la Inteligencia Artificial, para generar imágenes, a partir de frases y oraciones escritas. Estas son de libre uso.
[1] The images and gifs are my creation from Promts edited in Ideogram.ai. This application uses Artificial Intelligence to generate images from written phrases and sentences. These are free to use.

Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

You can’t run away from your destiny… it can only be delayed but it can’t be denied…

Love the beautiful write up..

I didn’t understand it at first but reading it again for the second time made me love it…

Hi, @sbamsoneu

I appreciate your comment, I'm glad you understood it and liked it.

I'm sponsoring a short story contest, if you want to check it out and feel encouraged to participate, you're welcome.

