Just a little bit of blue R2.10

in Freewriters2 days ago (edited)

2.10 - Offertorium Domine

-"You're a busy little bee, aren't you, Demetrius?"- The chancellor said, looking at him with undesguised contempt. -"Do you mind?"- asked the Greek while taking a Montecristo out of an aluminium tube. -"I said five minutes, not thirty." Demetrius Corba lit his cigar and looked intensely at Rashmikantas Gokaldas."-Rashmi... I don't think five minutes will be enough." Making a dramatic pause that increased the tension, he waited until the other was just about to speak, and he continued: -"My people have found the true responsable for the Boyazz affair." -"Now... Have they? I was under the impression that you were the responsable, Demetrius." -"Only by omission. I really could do nothing to prevent it. You know it wasn't on my scanners. Still, there is a responsable party, and you ain't going to like it."

( Image: cigarplace.biz )

-"Alright. You have my attention." -"The Arcturians have bought someone high up in your administration to feed the trojan into the cyberbees that were aimed at you. Also, they are planning a little revolution." -"That's bullshit. I'm in excellent terms with them." - "Are you?" - Corba pressed his left cufflink and the door to the room opened. A level six uniformed sanitizer appeared. -"Sir. There is a woman here who says she has orders to enter the room." - The chancellor was about to say he knew nothing about such woman, when Demetrius interjected: -"She's mine. Let her in. She brings the evidence." Rashmi nodded and the guard got out from the door to reveal an elegant golden-brown skinned girl in her late teens dressed in an almost seethrough yellow designer dress that was somehow held together by a shoulder pin. The chancellor looked at her deep grey blue eyes and repressed an exclamation of appreciation for her beauty that didn't escape Demetrius's attention through the rising cigar smoke.

-"Morgana, the item!" - Ordered Corba, his hand stretched. The girl glided sensually around the long meeting table. Rashmi couldn't take his eyes off of her. She softly delivered a small crystal cube into the greek's palm. -"You look like you're hipnotized, Rashmi." -"Is she real?" - "Oh yeah! One hundred percent. No tan, no make up, no contacts, no surgeries. Pure hawaiian." The girl stood still, like a wax statue. Corba put the cube in the center of the table. -"Here's the data cube we got out of Arcturus. You'll find it has very revealing information." The Chancellor's eyes were still on the girl. -"Rashmi?"- Said Corba, briskly. -"Oh! Sure. I'll look into that. Don't leave the planet before I get back to you." Corba laid the cigar butt on the tray in front of him, rose and faced the girl. -"She's a beautifull little thing, Rashmi." - And he pulled the pin that held together the cloth that covered her, revealing a fully naked body. -"You can have her too. Enjoy!" And directed himself to the door. Rashmi stood silent as he oggled the statuesque shape of the slave standing in front of him.

  • To be continued

19.03.25 - @hefestus


To find the other parts, that have been published in Freewriters, visit the Just a little bit of blue Novel link.
