Just a little bit of blue R2.05

in Freewriters6 days ago (edited)

2.05 - Little Varna, two nights ago

Two hours was too much to wait for Twenty One. One more glass of Rakia and there wouldn't even be a point in waiting. Effow was already feeling the effects of the alcohol running through his brain and wasn't quite sure he would remember anything he heard after the next one. He decided for a coffee. A double shot expresso would keep him smart if the other arrived in short notice, and he was no longer sure that would happen.

(Image: stock.adobe.com)

Worrying about it was the only thing to do. He had risked his life for a stranger, and was still to know why and the only person who could shed light into the issue wasn't showing up to the meeting. Yaroslav, the bulgarian publican showed up at his table with a full bottle of the ice cold clear alcoholic beverage. -"I didn't order this. I asked for a double expresso."- "I know, Effow. This was sent by the gentleman sitting on the other side of the bar." He laid down the bottle and three cups.

Across the room from him, out of phocus for the dim lights, excess smoke and Effow's one too many drinks, sat a figure he knew he was supposed to identify, but he couldn't recognize, no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he was sure he'd seen the older, well dressed man, somewhere before. The door opened and a new figure came in. This one, he recognised immediately. It was Twenty One. Finally. Yaroslav ran to the door to close it and rotate the open sign. The older man got up from the bar and shook Twenty One's hand. Then, both of them approached Effow's table. Yaroslav was nowhere to be seen.

He got up, to compliment the others. -"Effow, meet Security Counselour Petrov." - said Twenty one. Immediately, the sense of recognition came back to him. He'd never met the man before, but he was frequently on the news and there were some much younger photos of him hanging in Headquarters. He'd never recognise him without the make up they use when they are filmed for the holocron. Now that the big shot was there, his ideas about the whole affair of letting the Julius character escape began to come clear. Now he was sure he was deeply in a power struggle inside the ruling Council.

-"Pleased to meet you, Sir!"- "It's nice to meet you too. Please, sit". - Effow fell back into his seat as the other two men occupied their places at the table. - You did great"- said Twenty One.-" Looks like Julius got out of Center City very smoothly. Congratulations. You just got yourself a promotion."- Petrov raised and served a round of Rakia. -"Let's drink to that!"- raising his glass. -"Nazdrave!"- Effow raised his glass, felling better about himself. He wasn't going to run short on the juice after all. He downed the shot with what must have seemed like an enormous look of relief in his face.

-"I am sure you are curious about what's going to happen next".- Said Petrov.- "You are going to be transfered to the secret service as a level nine officer, and you will answer directly to me and no one else. Not even to good old Twenty One, here..."- As he raised a refilled glass in the other's direction. -"Men. Police men, who are able to cross the line when it's needed, are very few."- Effow was somehow more awake than never, even though the drinks were running through his system.

This was a totally unexpected carreer development, as he had been rejected for secret service twelve years earlier, when he finished academy. Standing up with a full glass in his hand, Petrov finished: -"You don't need to report at the office. Twenty One will tell you what to do next. Nazdrave! - Waving goodbye, he turned around. Yaroslav was back at the door, getting it open.

- To be continued -

23.02.25 - @hefestus


To find the other parts, that have been published in Freewriters, visit the Just a little bit of blue Novel link. A disclaimer is attached to other parts of this novel.