Worth a Thousand Words

in Freewriters2 months ago (edited)


Worth a Thousand Words

Imagine finally breaking through that egg shell of yours and digging yourself to the surface of an exotic beach. White sands glistening in the eastern morning sun, about a trillion miles away from wherever you are. This isn't home, but you're surrounded by a myriad of brothers and sisters. Fellow travelers, all filled with the same inherent desire to make it past the shore line. There seems nothing more important than reaching that foamy white surf, pulsating back and forth somewhere within earshot. You don't even know what water is, yet you're drawn to the ocean. As a matter of fact, it's a question of life and death. Or so it feels.

Admittedly, the last part was "inspired" by a famous David Foster Wallace speech. No eulogy, but one of those things meant to inspire graduates. That kind of farewell address intended to send you off. To war, to the workforce, or apparent insignificance. Ideally that final adios is being spiced with some encouragement from a role model. Someone like Wallace, the famous writer. Truth be told, I know diddly-squat about the man beyond being vaguely aware of 'Infinite Jest' and his eventual suicide. But I remember that commencement speech. This is water, he said. The audience smiled, some even laughed. I always assumed some fundamental misunderstanding of intent. Maybe he should've been screaming instead.

By all accounts David Foster Wallace had gotten his feet wet. It should've been so sweet, but ultimately it wasn't. Why? Who knows. I'm not going to psychoanalyze the guy. Yet, his death feeds into a growing suspicion of mine. About -this- being more than just -that- and the illusory nature of so-called matters of life and death. Especially in context of misconceived notions of success, or whatever falsehoods we keep striving for. Like some kind of interior decorator of the soul, looking to fill those gaps and spaces with IKEA coffee tables, or whatever the catalogue promises to make us whole. Like my own ongoing delusions of becoming a professional writer.

Here I am crawling towards the ocean. No rhyme, no reason. Just one of these wants, or supposed needs. Meanwhile "success" is about as likely as dunking balls on Shaquille O'Neal, or winning the lottery. It's worse actually. Even if you were to succeed, those cautionary tales of suicidal success stories indicate deeper frustrations to be experienced beyond that magical shore line. Like an Olympic Athlete up on thatpodium, wondering about the WHAT NOW. Or like that hopeless virgin finally getting laid and thinking to himself, so this is it? And thus a part you collapses. One you believed to be integral to your feeling of self. Whatever that might end up being.

Maybe the answer to, what is water, is the realization of what it isn't. How something and nothing keep implying eachother. Empty space. An all encompassing medium to be filled. Call it the void, nothingness. But -this- is water.


Muy buen texto. Te he leído desde el silencio y me llegaban buenas vibras. Escribiste y dejé que la mente imaginara lo que leía con todos los colores y la magia de leer, algo bueno y genuino. Creo que comparto muchos puntos con lo que escribiste. Sigue creando. En este océano infinito (que es el arte de contar) solo los grandes peces que han recorrido casi todo el anaquel, pueden escribir grandes estrofas. Motivar a los demás. Algo de la magia que poseemos, debemos dejar en el corazón de los demás.
Por lo que escribes te conoceremos. Por lo que escribes, crearemos espacios para que los amigos, vengan a compartir una tasa de café y nuevas escrituras.
Un abrazo.

At times I feel like I'm arguing with a brick wall and wonder about all the things that might be wrong with me. Then someone comes around and shares a few kind words reminding me how nobody is an island.

I appreciate it! :-)

At times it feels arguing with a brick wall brings more than "arguing" with people 🥴
More "someones" will come around there are two more commenting- moderators next to me to replace the brick wall.
You deserve to be read and your words rea h further than you know and have effe t.

A great weekend I hope you have some art to share and can join the scribble a fist hand contest as well. We all can use a hand.


I've got ideas but there's mental institutions filled with people who do. Heh, I think I used that one before, but it's true.

I hope you're having a great weekend as well.

 2 months ago 

Success and failure are about today, as well as happiness and sadness. Basically everything continues to pass according to its will, good or bad will hit and imply lessons, about struggling or facing challenges. Light or heavy, walking alone. People come not for all the cares. Conscience is the only whisper of hope and encouragement, no matter success or failure. Life is about bringing a smile.

 2 months ago (edited)

Nicely put. Overall I agree, but I've also been hearing arguments about -happiness- being slightly overrated and how living a -meaningful- existence was much more important to our overall satisfaction. I guess there's some overlap and it's not stricly either or, but we all need a purpose of sorts. Something to crawl towards to.

To be clear, there's nothing wrong with having goals as such, but then there's the risk of developing some kind of psychological dependency. As in making that pursuit the foundation of the Jenga tower you call life. Which is also is fine, for instance in terms of intentional self-scarifice. Like making people smile, as you said. Compared to some kind of hedonistic pursuit of fame and fortune. That's when accomplishments might turn into an existential crisis. Maybe one that manifests itself in the form of a yellow Porsche.

Obviously you could always find new goals, but seems like those often just turn into perversions of your original goal. Like making MORE money. Or not just winning the game but making the others LOSE.

In terms of my own pursuits I'm admittedly very selfish, albeit less in the materialistic sense. Just someone looking for some unarticulated kind of who knows what that expresses itself like that desire to write. Yet, that's more of a symptom rather than the illness itself. If I could wish for anything it would be tranquility. Or maybe finding meaning in ordinary existence and the ability to treat life like a dance, or a jam session, rather than American Football.

Best regards
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I appreciate it :-)!

Water is life. There is no life without water. Could we say that water holds the earth together? Perhaps. I don't like water, I'm afraid of it. But I need it.

I couldn't agree more. That's how I feel about coffee, too.

He - you're right: no coffee without water! OMG!!

The ancient old vending machine
A coin gets tossed in
Sound of coffee

Thank you!