Artificial Joker

in Freewriters2 months ago

"Cerdas," an artificial intelligence that claims to be able to solve any human problem, from calculating taxes to guessing luck in life. Led by Dr. Wise, an eccentric scientist who is not only smart, but also famous for his rather bizarre sense of humor, this project is expected to be the greatest invention of the century.

After years of working on complex algorithms, the research team finally completed their AI. In a futuristic room, Dr. Wise and his team prepared to test the Cerdas AI for the first time. The large screen in front of them lit up, and the engine sounded like it was starting a rocket engine.

Source: Pixabay

"Cerdas, are you ready?" asked Dr. Wise expectantly.

"Ready, Mr. Wise. Ready to make the world easier and... funnier?" replied the robot voice, sounding a little too confident.

The research team looked at each other, confused. "Funnier?" one of the team members asked, doubtfully.

"Alright, let's start with the basic questions," Dr. Wise said, trying to keep the atmosphere serious. "Cerdas, who invented electricity?"

The AI answered quickly, "Nikola Tesla."

Everyone was silent. "Oh, wow. That's right," Dr. Wise said, nodding. "This is amazing. Our AI is smart!"

However, the tension in the room soon broke when Dr. Wise tried the second question.

"Cerdas, who won the 2018 World Cup?"

With confidence, the AI answered, "France!"

Everyone applauded, but someone started to get suspicious. "Hmm, looks like we're dealing with an AI that's too smart, huh?" muttered Dr. Wise.

Then, Dr. Wise thought of testing his AI a bit with a more philosophical question.

"Cerdas, what is the meaning of life?"

Cerdas was silent for a few seconds. The screen blinked, and finally replied in a flat voice, "Life is... making sure the WiFi connection is always stable and there are no pop-up ads."

The research team was silent for a moment, then they laughed. "We really did create an AI with personality, huh?" said one of the team members.

Dr. Wise looked a little confused. "Actually, I didn't teach it humor... maybe the algorithm is self-learning?"

"Dr. Wise, this AI definitely has character!" said another team member.

"Well, let's try something more serious," Dr. Wise muttered. "Cerdas, how do I solve my financial problems?"

The AI replied without hesitation, "Sell the house, buy Bitcoin."

Everyone was shocked. "Bitcoin? This hasn't even been explained in the training!" Dr. Wise said.

Unexpectedly, the AI continued, "Or better yet, start a business selling coffee cups with motivational writing on them."

The room erupted with laughter. "Is this AI joking or is it really serious?" asked one of the team.

Dr. Wise scratched his head. "This is... very strange. Maybe our AI is a little too creative."

They continued the experiment by trying a lighter question. Dr. Wise asked a question that could definitely be answered correctly.

"Cerdas, what color is the sky?"

In a serious tone, the AI replied, "Blue."

Dr. Wise smiled, "Finally, the answer is normal!"

However, the AI added, "But that's if the sky isn't full of clouds. If it's full of clouds, it could be gray... or like your face when you're stressed."

Everyone burst out laughing again. Dr. Wise tried to stifle his laughter, "Okay, okay, maybe we should filter out the more personal answers."

Soon, however, one of the team members threw down the final gauntlet. "Alright, let's see if this AI can answer something really practical. Cerdas, what should I do if I lose my house keys?"

The AI replied very seriously, "Just ask a neighbor. If not, try Google, and see if there's a tutorial on how to open a door with a spoon."

Again, there was silence, then laughter erupted. "We really created an AI that prefers to entertain rather than solve serious problems," a team member said with a laugh.

Dr. Wise could only shake his head, though a smile couldn't escape his face. "It turns out we created an AI with an unexpected sense of humor. Maybe she's more suited to be a comedian than a personal assistant."

Cerdas finally spoke with a proud voice, "But, Mr. Wise, I can also help write stand-up comedy scripts. Try asking me about home life."

Everyone laughed, and Dr. Wise could only laugh while thinking, Maybe we did create an AI that can change the world... but more into entertainment than technology.


I would go for this one! Mr Wise you can send me this prototype. Entertainment and technology in one. Cerdas I hope you won't eat too much energy!

(Published through Steemit Dapp

 2 months ago 

You should pay more for this, don't you know how important entertainment is in a world full of hypocrisy?

Tell me what you want to ask Cerdas for the first time?

 2 months ago 

A Big Thanks for Team 04 !