What Are You After? What Is Your Life About?
I've suffered for years with the worst of all enemies; indeciveness. I woke up every day having a different dream, plan or aspiration.
You can imagine how mentally exhausting this is; to wake up every day and have a different mind, to be a different person.
Since I was very young I tried a lot of professions and jobs and it only caused me more indeciveness; because now I have much more options to choose from!
I've lived that way till very recently, when I started having the right beliefs and most importantly: the right questions.
The most important question is: What are you after? What do you want to do with your life? There are no right or wrong answers, you just have to be honest with yourself! Is it money, fame, health, family? What do you wish to accomplish with the time you've been given?
You have to believe me when I say: once you find an answer to these questions; your life will instantly become so much better. Still doesn't mean you wouldn't have to battle indeciveness again.
Another thing is knowing you could only be so many things; you can't be everything! Of course you know that, but sometimes what we know and what we do are two different things. I wanted to be so many things in the past that I became none. Knowing that both your time and attention are limited makes you act differently.
When you have many options start excluding, cross most of the least favorable choices and remove them out of your way, so that you're only left with 2-3 options that you're seriously considering.
You have to be a hundred percent honest with yourself, so that you know what are you after, and start developing your plan to make steps towards your goal.
Indecision is as Marcus Tullius Cicero said: "The thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind"
It's not an easy problem, it would take a while before you figure out what exactly you want to do with your life, but eventually you'll get there and life would be much better!
Nice 👍
Thanks ♥️
¿Qué es lo que buscas? ¿Qué quieres hacer con tu vida? Dijo el universo y el mortal respondió. Vivirla.
Se paró al borde del precipicio y gritó con todas sus fuerzas. Vida, como vengas, te vivo.
Eres un gran motivador.
PostD. Si quieres cambiar tu calidad de vida. Cambia la calidad de tu pensamiento. -Parafraseando a Brian Tracy
How true, how true. It sounds more like overthinking.
What exactly is the problem? Is it important to know what you want with your life? It can also be taken step by step, why schedule everything and close doors? If you always stick to a plan you will not be flexible to adapt and life we lose all colour.
There's no problem at all. It's all about just identifying the wide lines. My life has been much better when I knew what I am after, and what I want my life to be about. Yes, it's very important.
Hello friend,
This post gorgeously captures the struggle of hesitation and offers valuable insight for beating it. The prominence on self-honesty and wanting to know the right questions is so important—it’s real that clearness starts when we really degrade what we want from history. The keepsake that we can’t be entirety resonates intensely; attracting on any significant aims can facilitate and embellish our lives.
The game plan of shortening choices is experienced and enabling, curving hesitation into litigable steps. Thank you for giving this perceptive journey; it’s a cheering keepsake that while finding management delay, the process is transformational and helpful.
Indecision is an enemy to anyone who is trying to achieve something with their life. I believe this is one of the most important topics I can write about. Especially for people who are 15-27 years old as they're still trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. Glad you like it ❤️
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Choice, that's the key, isn't it? Life is indeed about choosing, maybe it's not about right or wrong as long as nothing is violated, but every choice has its own consequences that ultimately determine where our life is going.
You must dare to take a stand and be ready to accept any risks that will come your way, because it is about the process that affects the final outcome of destiny. It's true that we also have to measure our abilities, and will be great when it comes to the talents we have, without having to force others, just be yourself.
So, what have you planned to reach your main goal, my friend?
Yes!!! Risks are a fundamental part of this process, which you have to accept. You also have to accept that it can be a long process, requiring many trials in different paths.
I'll continue to make content because that was what makes me feel alive, what about you?
Are you a content creator? Do you play on TikTok?
My plan? I will continue to do what I think is good for myself, my close ones and also for others.
No, writing is a form of content creation. So, technically you are a content creator as well. That's good, I hope it works well for you.