He's my closest friend, but I had to let him go!

in Freewriters3 months ago



After 12 years of being super close friends? Reading this title you might think: what a disloyal ***** you are! That's okay, I understand.

Maybe it has to do with my definition of friendship developing? I mean, if we're not helping others in any form or way, if we're even pulling each other backwards? What if we harm each other intensely?

Our friendship started when we were children in grade six, it started as him being the nerd, among the top in class, and me; the one who sits at the backseat and makes jokes!

He helped me get the highest grades I ever got this year, somehow he encouraged me to do better academically. I promised I'll surprise him! I exactly did so.

Two years after, we started getting introduced to smoking. It started with Sheesha, then cigarettes, then of course eventually drugs and alcohol.

Three years were enough for us to move from being studying partners to drug buddies, how ironic! Still, things weren't so bad then, and the reason why is: we had limited money, resources and capabilities, so you could say things were virtually under control.

The last year of high school which in my country merely dictates what college you'd be able to enroll, we did terribly bad. Took the private sessions money and you could surely make a guess on where this money went.

This was a huge threat to our future when we knew our grades, thankfully we had the ability to attend good enough colleges. But things only kept getting worse, because now we had more money, more resources and much more capabilities.

Now, our peers are accomplishing great achievements academically and professionally, but we're still waiting for the drug dealer to arrive, or travelling to get a really good stuff, or smoking the stuff we just got. Our lives revolved around drugs, among with our friends and circle.

We reached a point where looking at each other became a reminder of how much time, money, and opportunities we've wasted using together! It's like we could look at each other and see where could we be if we weren't friends.

I never claimed he was a bad friend, we were both bad friends to each other, we had the worst impact on each other, and we had never understood the true definition of a healthy friendship that is like water to a plant.

Also, still we're not bad people! We were just teenagers who were curious enough to try for themselves, then we got hooked real quick, then it became almost impossible to quit.

Today, I end this friendship for our own good, and I wish him a prosperous and happy life. Maybe we'll meet again when we're two different people after a long time and laugh at these moments when we're young and dumb. Maybe we'll forever avoid meeting because we remind ourselves of our worst editions.

 3 months ago 

There is a time to come and a time to go. To me it sounds a healthy choice but not only that. It's also a sign of love to let go of someone so you both have a chance to grow and develop in someone you would like to be around with.
In my experience life is a journey and we gather the information we need to develop but we also always meet the same people unless we break the circle.

If it's meant to be you will meet again. I let go of many to be with me and the friends I have aren't few but that's fine since I have to live with me and like everyone being born and dying is something we do do alone.

“It's also a sign of love to let go of someone so you both have a chance to grow and develop in someone you would like to be around with.“
This phrase is going to stick into my mind for a while I believe, that’s true. Knowing we ain’t good friends to each other is something but wishing them well always and forever is something else. I truly wish him a happy and successful life