Sex and other Per(versions)
When you are thinking, or when I am blurred in the whiff that comes from the street, in that moment I hear a song that says don't hurry mate if I smash my mouth, don't hurry, because I want, with the edge of this glass, to erase the trace of a treacherous kiss that he gave me... I don't even remember who the fucking singer who sings it is, but there are the images of them with their tits pointing at me as soon as I open my eyes, they are dislocated images with the breasts of this one, the mole of that one, some noticeable marks of the other one and so on to infinity, I have been in a bar until after twelve o'clock, that's the least important thing, feeling regulated or bribed or whatever the fuck you call it in the underworld, is the least important thing, what is transcendental is that someone looks you in the eyes and tells you who the fuck are you that I love so much or stay this moonlit night or this other shit kiss my mouth and make love to me, what fucking crap you have to put up with to have a woman, that's the most expensive, not the one who charges, that's an unhappy one, poor thing I remember some of them, say yes yes yes, to (over) live, I've fallen in love with a girl, well Vanessa, I remember her again, I remember her pink dress, almost nothing underneath, her ridiculous mouth (because of the brightness or because of nature) and the shoes, the mania of carrying them in her hand every time we went for a walk by the seashore, I made her leave them slowly among some dead crabs and already almost decomposed, I took off her dress (orange already because of the colors of the afternoon) and I slowly ran my tongue along her legs, more to the center towards the darkness and the rain broke calmly and then feverishly, we were already naked and I wanted to kiss her on the mouth and then I no longer remember her face, I gave her about ten pesos, then I am in the bar listening to a song that is a bird, I want to erase at once the trace of a kiss, but there is something that I do not tell me, I have gonorrhea or something similar, I have just urinated in the bathroom some crystals or at least that's what I felt, the day has been telling on women, yes I have been with many other women, I have had other less painful diseases, but the soul remains isolated, the bartender who is called Jorgito and we call him Richi is selling a crap alcohol, that doesn't seem to seduce me to vomit, it's a chemistry that tears you apart from the inside, but the Richi only smiles for us, he knows every one of Vanessa's stories, I've taken her to a campground and raped her in the dark, she says daddy yes, tell me something about all this and I look at the Richi with the dog face that I premiered in the morning, what do you want, go and steal a syringe to the doctor and you put yourself ten of penicillin, but I thought how many balls you have to have to prick yourself, then there is the problem of telling one's wife, what the fuck is wrong with you for hanging out with that whore, you already infected me.
I thought of the flowers and tulips the other afternoon, I came in a car, dreaming, because drink has that power to transport you to the P dimension, I deciphered Vanessa's moans, she has less feigned orgasms with me, she doesn't say it, but I've always known it, women swarm the streets, these times are bad, they no longer fear God, she has invented everything since she was twelve years old, the death of the father, the gangrene of the mother's leg, then with the others she makes some (loud) exciting moans and they go crazy, that of passing the false nails over my back she only does it to me, I am remembering her, from the corner I have seen her face, she is perfect, the madman of Midas, he chases her and I calcine him with my sight, I disintegrate him, I dematerialize him, but he is still the most faithful behind her.
I have doubts, I have had small, flash Bang of the milky way, that is exactly between Vanesa's legs and a house of fibrocement and palm boards, the headache gets a little worse, that is terrible, there is this girl, this one of the other day, this one that you can see her buttocks when she passes by the park, the daughter of Nestor, he must be a baker, well the daughter is not a baker, she is a whore and unfortunately she enters it by specified percent, she does not look for a good man, not even one that has money, she's not even looking for fashion, it's not a trend, it's not the shittiest shit that exists, but there they are in the dark, from my seat in the bar I can imagine them, just that, I don't have the balance to go bother them, him sticking his hand inside her blouse, the humidity, well I'm bristling at the thought of it, of how hot the bitch is, don't you think Richi, well you go from bartender to goose, it doesn't go very far, besides, the soul is the only transcendental thing we have, it can't be corrupted, that girl (or anyone) comes and tells you daddy, you are everything for me and you believe it, you smile at her, you smile back (you are with the theory that you are a horse) and you are really something else, but the soul in its pure form is indestructible, there is the sacrificed woman, she has two children, she has to support them and money is not enough, that is solved by painting her hair and going to the beach, on that beach there are old men, geese, blacks, and so on, but the soul in its pure form is indestructible, the classification is not the important thing, the worrying thing is that they charge, that they are going to send money, that everybody knows it, but you, no, you are happy because you stay at the family's house, with your cousin who grew up together and the poor girl does not know how to do anything without her soul cousin, that the cousin is sick, look at the shoes she sent you and well, Vanesa must not be like that, right not Richi, right not Richito, true truth, you know what, well, I'll shut up. Give me another drink. And so you go out to the street, maybe you go shopping, well with some meatballs and what the hell are we Chinese here and we only eat vegetables and soup, what a shitty bar they have set up, go find me some chicken wings, they don't have chicken wings, Well, some frogs legs, like they don't have frogs legs, what a shitty place this is, come on man, this shit is not done to anyone, there are so many relaxations in this life, and tell me that you have seen Vanessa, no, well that doesn't smell good, that smells like relaxation.
Cuando estás pensando, o cuando estoy difuminado en el tufillo que llega de la calle, en eso escucho una canción que dice no te apures compañero si me destrozo la boca, no te apures, que es que quiero, con el filo de esta copa, borrar la huella de un beso traicionero que me dio… no recuerdo ni quién es el jodido cantante que la canta, pero están las imágenes de ellas con las tetas apuntándome en cuanto abro los ojos, son imágenes dislocadas con los senos de esta, el lunar de aquella, algunas marcas notables de la otra y así hasta el infinito, he estado en un bar hasta pasadas las doce, eso es lo menos importante, sentirse regulado o sobajeado o como carajo se le diga en el sub-mundo, es lo menos importante, lo transcendental es que alguien te mire a los ojos y te diga quien mierda eres tú que tanto amo o quédate esta noche de luna o esta otra mierda bésame la boca y hazme el amor, que jodida porquería hay que aguantar para tener una mujer, esa es la más cara, no la que cobra, esa es una infeliz, pobrecita recuerdo algunas de ellas, decir yes yes, para (sobre) vivir, me he enamorado de una chica, bueno de Vanesa, la recuerdo nuevamente, recuerdo su vestido rosado, casi nada debajo, su boca ridícula (por el brillo o por la naturaleza) y los zapatos, la manía de llevarlos en la mano cada vez que salíamos a caminar por la orilla del mar, la hice dejarlos despacio entre unos cangrejos muertos y ya casi descompuestos, desprendí su vestido (naranja ya por los colores de la tarde) y lentamente fui pasando la lengua por sus piernas, más al centro hacia la oscuridad y la lluvia rompió calmada y después febril, ya estábamos desnudos y quise besarla en la boca y entonces ya no recuerdo su cara, le di unos diez pesos, después estoy en el bar oyendo una canción que me resulta pajarona, quiero de una vez borrar la huella de un beso, pero hay algo que no me cuentan, tengo gonorrea o algo parecido, he orinado recién en el baño unos cristales o por lo menos eso fue lo que sentí, el día ha estado delatando mujeres, sí he estado con otras muchas mujeres, he tenido otras enfermedades menos dolorosas, pero el alma se mantiene aislada, el barman que se llama Jorgito y le decimos Richi está vendiendo una porquería de alcohol, que no parece seducirme a vomitar, es una química que te destroza desde dentro, pero el Richi solo sonríe para nosotros, él sabe cada una de las historias de Vanesa, me la he llevado a un campismo y la he violado en la oscuridad, ella dice papi sí, dime algo de todo esto y miro al Richi con la cara de perro que estrené en la mañana, que quieres, ve y róbale una jeringa al médico y te pones tu mismo diez de penicilina, pero he pensado la de cojones que a de tener uno mismo para pincharse, después está el problema de contárselo a la mujer de uno, que coño te pasa por andar con la puta esa ya me contagiaste.
If you like to read books, I leave you the link to my novel.
Love is a dog from hell