
in Freewriters4 days ago (edited)



The sand was beginning to form continuous dunes. We had been walking in circles for hours. The sad thing was to keep walking and thoughts out of the soul. Despite our efforts to return, it was already too late. Darkness would reign and we would have to spend another night in the desert wasteland of death and hissing lizards. Against all repressed rage, I should have imagined that death was a beaten dog staring with sad eyes. It was impossible to survive, the parched throat was already a stinging memory. Hunger was slowly taking its toll of flesh and fat. But the march continued, the freedom to belong was more than a chimera. Freedom was a few more heartbeats away, a few more memories. I began to imagine the orchids in the mansion. The blanket of little flowers rustling as I walked, I could feel the palpable and now hateful humidity. I could feel to my bones the unmistakable scent of each pollen segment and the harmonious sound of the bees. I could, if I wanted, die imagining the seagulls in the northern sea, the saltpeter and a dozen seaweeds between my toes. To stop walking and see the stars for the last time, with my eyes closed. To be eternal, to leave forever the pains and focus on the thinness of your face.



La arena comenzaba a formar dunas continuas. Caminábamos en círculos desde hacía horas. Lo triste era mantener la marcha y los pensamientos fuera del alma. Pese a los esfuerzos por regresar, ya era demasiado tarde. La oscuridad reinaría y tendríamos que pasar otra noche en el desértico páramo de muerte y lagartijas silbantes. Contra toda rabia reprimida, debí imaginar que la muerte era un perro apaleado y mirando con tristes ojos. Era imposible sobrevivir, la garganta reseca era ya un recuerdo punzante. El hambre cobraba lentamente su cuota de carne y grasa. Pero la marcha continuó, la libertad de pertenecernos era más que una quimera. La libertad estaba a unos cuantos latidos más, unos cuantos recuerdos más. Comencé a imaginar las orquídeas de la casona. El manto de florecillas crujiendo al caminar, podía sentir la humedad palpable y ahora odiosa. Podía sentir hasta los huesos el olor inconfundible de cada segmento de polen y el sonido armonioso de las abejas. Podía, si quería, morir imaginando las gaviotas en el mar del norte, el salitre y una docena de algas entre los dedos de los pies. Dejar de caminar y ver por última vez las estrellas, con los ojos cerrados. Ser eterno, dejar por siempre los dolores y centrarme en la delgadez de tu rostro.

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If you like to read books, I leave you the link to my novel.
Love is a dog from hell


Love is a dog from hell

 2 days ago 

Why focus on the thinness of a face if you can see the stars above before you counted all the grains of sand from the desert that remind you of the beach with palms rustling in the wind if you listen carefully. Or is it the sea that whispers, calls out just like in "The darkest blue"?

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