Extreme Islamisation - The Corruption Of Luton Town

Kent Ekeroth is a member of the Swedish Democrats; he flew over from Sweden to meet Tommy Robinson. Extreme Islamisation - The Corruption Of Luton Town.
The Defilement Of A Town
Our good friends at Rair Foundation USA have kindly translated Kent Ekeroth's documentary about Tommy Robinson and his beloved hometown Luton. Kent allows Tommy to speak about his life experiences, the formative years of his political activism, his leadership of the English Defence League and his love of England and Western culture.
Tommy talks about his experiences living in his beloved hometown of Luton - an Islamiscised part of the UK responsible for the nurturing and radicalisation of Muslims, indoctrinating them into a world of extremism and jihadism. Luton is just one part of the UK where a significant Muslim demographic see themselves as believers living within the Dar al-Harb (the house of war), therefore setting themselves in a perpetual state of conflict with non-Muslims.
More Islam = more decline, more extremism, more decay and less freedom.

Kent Ekeroth And Tommy Robinson
Кент Экерот является членом шведских демократов; он прилетел из Швеции, чтобы встретиться с Томми Робинсоном. Экстремальная исламизация - коррупция города Лутон.
Осквернение города
Наши хорошие друзья из Rair Foundation в США любезно перевели документальный фильм Кента Экерота о Томми Робинсоне и его любимом родном городе Лутоне. Кент позволяет Томми рассказать о своем жизненном опыте, формирующих годах его политической активности, его лидерстве в Английской лиге обороны и его любви к Англии и западной культуре.
Томми рассказывает о своем опыте проживания в своем любимом родном городе Лутоне - исламизированной части Великобритании, ответственной за воспитание и радикализацию мусульман, воспитание их в мире экстремизма и джихадизма. Лутон является лишь одной частью Великобритании, где значительная мусульманская демография видит себя верующими, живущими в Дар-эль-Харб (дом войны), поэтому они постоянно находятся в состоянии конфликта с немусульманами.
Больше ислама = больше упадка, больше экстремизма, больше распада и меньше свободы.
Posted from TR.News with SteemPress : https://www.tr.news/extreme-islamisation-the-corruption-of-luton-town/
I just heard a spokesman for the regents park mosque talking about the stabbing yesterday, he said "unlike other places of worship we do not have a membership, anybody can come in to pray" he was wrong on two counts, women and non muslims cannot go into any mosque and pray. Also churches are open to everybody with no membership required, the interviewer did not correct him on this.
- brixtonboy
Islam is very protective of their 'places of faith'. They do not allow discent or questioning. I went to a debate which they organised ironically in the Quaker's Hall H.Q. in Central London about 15 years ago. They insisted the women be 'segregated'. A lady from the UK National Secular Society was there. An argument immediately followed with her refusing to do that. With the help from the secular males and some non Muslim women, she was 'allowed' to sit among the men. These Islamits are dangerous dictators. In small numbers they seem nice and friendly but that is 'taqiya' or deception. When in the majority they are demaning and violent. Islam is not complatible with western values.
- melc