Fitness: 28th January 2025 | Truth-o-Meter | Did You Know?
1 km of walk daily for 365 days gives you 365 km of walk in a year. What do you think that would do to your body? No matter how small, don’t ever underestimate the time for exercise. It all adds up.
What Was I Up To?
The usual, the known, the mundane, the everyday thing… but….
It all adds up!!
I started the day with a prayer. I had to keep the Rosary for later in the day.
Runs | Walks | Cardio
Today I went for a walk after a break. I did a kilometer and feel my knees are holding up quite well. Some more time and I will start with my runs.
Anyway, I did not stop walking up and down from my third-floor apartment. I have done it four times and will keep doing it throughout the day. Yesterday, I ended up doing it nine times. 😊
Weights | At Gym | Or Home
Today’s workout was at home.
- Arm curls for the biceps
- Hammer for the biceps
- Triceps
- Overhead press for the shoulders
- Farmers Walk
- Squats
- Stomach Vacuum
Body Weight Exercises | Calisthenics
I did a few body weight exercises today.
- Planks
- Side planks
Diet | Fasting | Intermittent Fasting
No fasting, intermittent fasting, or any diet was undertaken today.
Energy Exercises | Ho’oponopono | EFT | Meditation | And more
I had a few sessions of Ho’oponopono. It was worth it.
For those who don’t know about Ho’oponopono, here is my write-up on Ho’oponopono for those interested in learning more.
What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique
And That’s A Wrap!
This is my fourteenth day of exercise this year. I hope to keep it going for 365 days. What awesomeness that would be! 😊
Did You Know?
Leigh Scott of the United Kingdom holds the record for the most burpees in one minute with 40 in the female category. The male record stands at 48 set by Brazilian Wesley Prado.
Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay
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Publish0x: Earn ETH || Bulbapp: Earn Bulb
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