Artists who incorporate magick into their art...

in Magic & Nonesuch3 years ago

All creation is a little bit of magick, but is there anyone here who intentionally incorporates magick into their art?

Most of my creative friends do this is some way, shape or form and I would love to meet others doing this.
I'd also love to see any art people would like to share or oddities you collect :) The darker the better.


Thank you for your post in this community. I agree that magic is always a part of the creative process. I like art that focuses on magic. Please encourage your friends to post their art here if possible.

I will send you 1 STEEM for your contribution to Magic & Nonesuch. Thanks again.

I was hoping that it would be cool to share :)
I'll pop some stuff of my stuff up. I hope to see others too :)

Thanks again. I'll send the 1 STEEM soon.

Uploading image #1...
As promised here's a couple of things.

It looks like your image failed to upload. Maybe you could try making it into a new post.

As promised, I transferred 1 STEEM to your account yesterday.

Have a good one!