At the Summit
Children are happy all the time, but they are especially happy when they are playing. They don't need much to have fun or to get to know each other. All they need is the meadow and the branch of a tree to entertain themselves and forget the world. Perhaps they find that world by clinging momentarily to the ordinariness and that is what is missing for most of us adults.

These are photos I took of the children of two friends who accompanied me for treeking in the mountains in May 2018. I remember that day very well because I took my Nijok D5200 camera and a 55-300 mm lens to capture the best moments.
Another anecdote is that during the steepest part of the route, I had to carry the little girl in the picture on my shoulders because she was tired and sunburned.

I love taking this kind of pictures. They are spontaneous, they are curvilinear and beyond the real story in which they are involved, there is another story and it is the one imagined by the viewer who sees them. They are photos that tell and hide so much of reality, but they are magical because of the expressions and movement in them.
You see these photos and you immediately go back to when you were a child and we ran with freedom, with strength and with such innocence. We miss that time when we ran without worries and without rest, when we could get dirty without knowing how expensive clothes are, when we weren't afraid of getting sick or hurting ourselves when we tripped. We only thought about playing.

I hope you like this selection I have chosen from my photographs to participate in the Children's happy moments Photography Contest #3 [WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY] sponsored by @wo-photography in which we are invited to share images of happy moments of the little kids.
Stay at home and take care of yourselves

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