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RE: Wie viele Flaschen Bier ich 2024 wohl getrunken habe?

in Kururu-TV2 months ago

Du hast meiner Meinung nach 0 Flaschen Bier getrunken, in der Flasche aber befinden sich 74 Kronkorken.
Glückliches Neues Jahr!

 2 months ago 

Tschää! Um 4 bis 12 Ecken gedacht. Das könnte die Antwort auf eine Frage von Gevatter Fuchs sein. :)
Zuerst wollte ich ja nach der Literanzahl fragen. Die Sorte gibt es nämlich von 340 ml bis 987 ml in drei Größen und alle mit dem selben Deckel. 🤣

74 Flaschen sind notiert :)
 2 months ago 

Zum Start ins neue Jahr gleich einen neuen Titel. Respekt! :)
Hier sind die Ergebnisse des Kronkorken-Schätz-Event.

!dubby 40 %

 2 months ago 

You have used the meme/gif. Have you watched this season? Schitts Creek? She is one of the characters in it.

It's one of a kind. Not a single person I know likes it except for me... ;)

 2 months ago 

I neither know the person in the gif nor the series… 😂
I don’t watch series often. A German cult-thriller each Sunday and every now and then crime series which I like Scandinavians best.

I neither know the person in the gif nor the series

Aaaawwww, bummer 😔

A German cult-thriller each Sunday and every now and then crime series which I like Scandinavians best.

No wonder, from where you get your cult wit from ;)

I am taking liberty of suggesting a drama series. I have a feeling you will like it:


It's a Danish series. I watched it a few years ago. And didn't watch the dubbed one.


 2 months ago 

It's probably just as hard and incomprehensible for you now when I tell you that we don't have Netflix access. I watch TV pretty old school. Instead of sticking to the exact broadcast times, I've at least learnt to use the TV channels' media libraries... 😉

Don't worry, "Rita" is noted - times might change... 😎

I've at least learnt to use the TV channels' media libraries..

Phew 😌

It's probably just as hard and incomprehensible for you now when I tell you that we don't have Netflix access

I do have parents, so yeah, I am familiar with the concept. Lol

 2 months ago 

I do have parents...

Well, well... 😤... 😉