The power of personal growth and redemption (part1)




I started university at the age of fourteen (14) with the intention of my parents for me to graduate before or at eighteen (18). In my first year in school I got into the wrong circle of friends as a young naive girl, my friends were way older than me but due tou physical appearance they couldn't tell my age or even believe it. During the first month of being in the university, my friends introduced me to some really nasty things, and this was just in our first semester in school, I started having multiple boyfriend's at once, drinking, partying, smoking, and many more, all these may sound normal but trust me it wasn't especially due to the fact that I was up to age. I started missing lectures, test, and almost missed some exams as well. When my results were out I had 6 carry overs out of 11 courses that I was offering, but I didn't bother because I was enjoying the lifestyle I never experienced back home. In my second semester I realized myself after I came back from break from home and I lied to my parents about my results, so I had to be more conscious with my education because I needed to make my parents proud, but in as much as I kept trying to improve, I couldn't let go of my friends even though I knew they were reason for my nonchalant attitude towards school, until one faithful day we got into a disagreement because of a 'man'.

My friend and her boyfriend had issues and were not in talking terms for a week, so she sent me to talk to him on her behalf since he wasn't responding to her messages neither did he return her calls.
She told me to apologize on her behalf and tell him she can't live without him, I laughed but went ahead to pass the information to him.
I went to school the next day, after my first class I decided to look for him around his block, while checking the classrooms I found him with another girl kissing and romancing, after this scene I couldn't walk up to him and tell him what my friend said, so I decided to go and tell my friend everything I had just seen, but I didn't know I was digging up my own grave.

To be continued.........

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