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RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Gaming On Steemit


Sonic 🤣 My daughter has the films now!
Crossword, word games are games too.
Perhaps you like to give Steem Invasion a try? It's an online game and you can play it for free. If you write your befindings the sc04 team will upvote it. A nice extra. It would also be good if you say what kind of games you like.

I believe you always play solo but the scores will show on a scoreboard see Steem Retrogames. No need to sign in, if you do and buy a token you can win a prize (also the lucky player one).

it is also a daily prompt in tje freewriters community. Perhaps your son likes to try it out? It's a few minutes play.

Don't forget the hashtag #retrogames


Thanks for the suggestions. I really don't know how you do it. You can do so many things online, and I lack the hours to do what I do.

At the moment I don't like games, I don't play, maybe the little time I spend thinking about what to write and where.

You know? I have a cell phone, I have a desktop computer and a small laptop, and they all have problems that I can't solve. I take it to the technician, they fix it and then when they update automatically they are back to the same thing.
I spend most of my time looking to fix the glitches to write and give up.

I am about to write a post and my problem is finding where to put the pictures because none of my tools will accept them. My son tries to help me but after a while he tells me: “you must buy another laptop, you must buy another cpu” a lot of help that one, his.

Until next time, friend, greetings.

You can write and post without a picture?
Is uploading the picture a problem? Are you sure this is not due the internet connection?
Did you try something like cleanup and remove cookies from your phone (settings - apps -)

It's a bit strange all three deal with the same issue are the problems different?

You join comment contests if you like. Is it possible to post a youtue link or causes that issues as well?

Each of my tools has a different problem. I am going to try to make an appointment with the technician today, to see if he can find the fault with my desktop computer. It's the best for me, I mean as far as typing goes, but she won't let me get the pictures from my phone to the cpu.
And the other tools, as my son says are obsolete but I am not in a position to buy a new laptop right now. I have to wait for a while as I have priorities at home, and a lot of things to do.

In the meantime time goes by and it is more and more difficult to write my posts. I'm going to try today to download a post with pictures and everything.

Wish me success, please.

If you cannot post with pictures I would say do it without for the time being. If you have access to the internet you could use pictures and copy past them instead of downloading and some pictures come with a link. If you drop the link it will also shown.

You can post in the freewriters without any problem. Another option might be if you like to add a picture for the time being using one out of your old posts: edit this post copy the code of the picture and paste it into your new text.

I hope there's a solution my phone needs to be replaced this year as well. It's getting slower. I remember you bought another one. I this the one that is broke/having issues?

oh yes, indeed, it is my new phone that is damaged again. I don't know what's wrong with the phones, my son's is also acting up and it's much newer than mine.

Right now I am in my office working with patients but while I wait I can type on my little laptop which is also outdated, slow and no longer upgradeable. The technician told me to buy another laptop and use this one from old parts.

I will try to do what you suggest in free writers. Thank you very much.

I believe everything is made to break within one year. They want us to keep buying

Good luck



I think so too. Thank you for your support.