Yes, I understand the bitterness when you log in to Steemit day after day, week after week and feel like your writing is never appreciated and for most people who post on this platform that is the case. It is certainly not the case that everyone gets a big upvote or that the one who gets one also writes well.
What is the problem with this platform?
Is it the lack of SC01 and SC02 upvotes? I don't think so because if I add up all the votes of the users then there is a lot of Steem to give and receive.
So I wonder if you are here for the money why you are too lazy to give others an upvote because that is the case with most people on this platform there are no upvotes because it is too much trouble to press that button and also leave a comment.
Every now and then I ask someone I haven't heard from for a while how s/he is doing. Unexpectedly I got a response from someone who takes good photos and has been absent for a while. What I found disappointing is the negative, bitter reaction when it comes to getting upvotes. As he said: Anyone who says they are not here for the money is lying because we all want it or need it and that is the only reason we are here.
I don't know exactly who "we all" are but I am certainly not, although I feel honoured with a form of appreciation that I have only seen from a handful of people so far and with which I am very happy (I understand perfectly well that there are few writers here, let alone those with the same interests or artists who like to have a conversation, for them Steemit is nothing more than an extra platform to leave their art behind).
Back to the bitter man.
What was it that surprised and also disappointed me?
The fact that he complains but never actually posts regularly and also complains about the fact that he got an upvote on a comment and not on his post. I asked him why he never reads anyone, never writes a comment and never engages in conversation with anyone. Why he expects others' time to be unvaluable and money worthy and why he sits back and expects others to actively seek for him.
Is he going to answer this? Maybe, but if so I won't read it because I clicked MUTE.
I'm sorry dear reader but if you are never satisfied and only complain then I don't feel like helping you and giving you tips on what you can do to be noticed. My time is just as valuable as yours and I have better things to do than helping a grumpy person to the top.
The ten minutes are up, time for something funny without Steemians who always feel deprived, due to their own lazy attitude.
The prompts are written in bold and provided by @aneukpineung78
We support quality posts and good comments Published in any community and any tag.
Curated by : chant
0.00 SBD,
0.03 STEEM,
0.03 SP
Thank you. It is appreciated. I wish you a great, creative weekend.
I laughed at this. I guess you are right. Sometimes, it feels like people are passing by your article and never leave anything to show you that they have read it or something.
#wewrite #comment
First comes first here's my vote, you vote for me so I repay the favour. The grumpy ones you find everywhere and it pays. The film is cool, an exchange of skills so to say. See you!
(Published through Steemit Dapp
Thanks for stopping by. It's appreciated. I wish you a great and creative week.
I no longer complain about what you say, which, by the way, is true. The last time I complained it took me a long time to recover, hehe.
So now I see things and I better let them go. That's why I get discouraged and go away for a certain amount of time so I drain my complaints for a bit and then come back.
Every day I leave my 10 votes, comments and forward posts. It's ten times a day and I don't see in my notifications where my ten forwards of my posts are.
Living in the complaint or learning to live? Shakespeare would say: to be or not to be, hehehe.
It's a bit of figuring out but you can see at who you voted for and commented and who voted and commented to you and you also see your posts and payouts.
Unlike others I don't look too often I don't see any point in it since I cannot change it anyway but if on this platform and rarely active, never comment or reply there's no reason to complaint. We both know how difficult it is to be noticed (you do good by the way).
And a break I had too and more than one in the past years.
Well, my friend, you are one of the few people left from the past that kept us together for those contests.... Do you remember? Of course you remember!
We worked hard and we were always saying the same as now, vote, comment, give votes... after having more than 4 years on this platform, we still say the same thing.
No, friend, no. I don't mean to see who votes for me on that page,( )
I mean that I realize that they don't do it. Most of them don't vote. Those of us who do vote get out immediately in the notifications. My voting power is small. All my power is invested to win steem. and the little I give daily with 10 votes.
Well I'm glad that even you and I keep commenting, that's why it also drains some power, hehe.
Yes, we are draoned with everything we do whichbmakes me no longer post daily everywhere. It all takes SP, time and energy. I hope a part is happy we still keep this platfirm alive.
Not much has changed during all those years although back then we had good commenters unlike those who came later. It's post in the hope to earn. Without comments it's no social media. Would that large group care? If the tower tumbles they find a new place to drain and wreck.
I think about setting auto votes but it will be hard if I need it to upvote those joining contests.
A happy day friend, no gardening the sky looks black.
I don't know how you do it. You always say you have a bad internet signal but you are so many places, with so many comments and so many contests. You are so quick to write accurately, to comment, to push people to keep going. Thank you for that.
The comments are now very brief, except in cases of users who do like to comment, most are very poor, almost always a thank you and leave. They almost never respond to a second conversation.
I hope that at some point the taste for commentary will increase.
You know that now that you mention the automatic votes, in hive, I have to marblely, with automatic vote since before he left. It's 0.2 points of his vote. Too bad she didn't do it here, hehehe.