Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Niche

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE9 days ago (edited)


Do you:

Want a Better Life
Need a friend
Do you invest?

Are you:

Willing to Engage?

Do you read, have something to share?
Are you willing to comment?
If yes write a comment and share your thoughts about the topic.

Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest A Better Life(11).jpg


What are you good at? What is your niche/skill?

Apa yang menjadi keahlian Anda? Apa bidang/keterampilan Anda?

Gaming On Steemit

• Post in the comment section

Original text written by you
No AI-generated text

• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators, and mentors

• Read others, talk + upvote. Engagement is important.
Not supportive? You can't win.

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #niche

• Deadline: till the next is online

Kopie van Een subtitel toevoegen.jpg
SCB will use the topic of this contest and link to it


Prizes 4 UVF

paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

  • 100% upvote for every participant

#1 | 2 UVF
#2 | 2 UVF

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Date: 12.2.2025

cc @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #contest #niche #wewrite #steemexclusive


Aslamoalaikum. My name is Jiya and today I am participating in this comment contest. Thanks @wakeupkitty for allowing us to participate.

Magenta Respect Abstract Collage Instagram Post_20250213_014131_0000.png

I am good at writing poems. I love writing my thoughts and my experiences in a few words. I read it and felt the deepness of words.
I am also a good listener. I always listen to others' problems and try to sort out them by giving advice.

Many friends only text me whenever they feel depressed. I know how to give them a smile in their sad moments. I believe that the lonely person can understand emotions much better because that person wants to be treated in the same way he treats others.

Inviting @nanidi @ezun1 @fatjav88 to participate in this comment contest

#betterlife #comment #niche

Nice one.
I guess we have some things in common, I write too and I am a very good listener.

I'm not sure if you are in the freewriters community, I can't remember if I have seen your work before. You should try the freewriters community, it'll help your writing skills especially with the daily prompt.

I will try to participate in this comment contest too, thanks for the mention.

 3 days ago 

Did you share your niche?

Will you join Miner-We-write?

Yes I did.
I am fully participating in the miner we-write Season 1.
I decided to choose creativewriting as my niche.

To write poetry, words about feelings, one should feel, recognize and find the right words to show and make others feel.
A good listener and observer are skills a poet has.


Exactly not every person can't write poetry. It's the matter of emotions. I believe the poet can only write if he or she feels the situation more deeper. I can't write ever time the best unless I observe the situation the surroundings more deeply. That's why the poet are more sensitive than others.🍀❤️

 8 days ago 

Sangat menyenangkan bila mempunyai keahlian dalam menulis puisi bisa membuat hati tentram dan fokus. Kita juga harus tenang untuk bisa mengeluarkan kata yang indah dan penuh imajinasi

 3 days ago 

How about your niche? Photography?

 3 days ago 

Sangat menyenangkan juga, harus ekstra fokus dalam memilih sudut yang cocok. Serta harus melihat pencahayaan, bila mendapatkan sesuai keinginan bikin hati senang dan puas

 3 days ago (edited)

Itulah yang saya maksud. Sepertinya ini adalah niche Anda karena Anda fokus dan membuat hati Anda bernyanyi. Di samping itu Anda menggambar. Anda mungkin akan menjadi sangat ahli dalam satu tahun, siapa yang tahu ada ceruk lain yang tersembunyi yang Anda miliki.

Maukah Anda bergabung dengan


Jika Anda menyukai fotografi, Anda bisa menampilkan beberapa foto dan menulis teks singkat dengan prompt harian.

Jangan lupa untuk memberi diri Anda catatan (1-10)

 3 days ago (edited)

Siap akan saya lakukan, saya sudah membacanya, tapi masih kurang pemahaman juga. Walaupun masih kurang paham, saya akn mencobanya, kita akan belajar dari kekurangan untuk menuju kesempurnaan.

You have two very beautiful talents, writing poems, and knowing how to listen, when you listen to people you learn from their experiences.

 8 days ago (edited)

Yes but I believe that some people don't deserve the good listener. I mostly met the people listen them heal them but at the last they gave me scars. I consider myself sometimes stupid for being available for everyone. 😢🥺 But when it comes to me I find no one to share my thoughts there is no one to heal me..........

You're right, there are some very ungrateful people, but what you should think about is that you get the satisfaction of having helped, someone who values ​​you will come.

Not at all. I don't want them back and I only pray to ALLAH to bless me the good people as a reward. People can't give us happiness until or unless ALLAH allows.

I like that you response🤗

 3 days ago 

You did not answer what I said as SC05 because?

Dear I didn't understand what are you saying? I didn't reply of what?

If you push away people, abandon them, they stop listening. If you don't change you do this to yourself. You allow people to treat you bad.


Io lavoro nel marketing, direi che la mia capacità è usare la fantasia, mi spiego : Devo chiarire che lavoro da casa, il mio capo mi manda un progetto, FELIPE mi dice se è possibile lo consegna in 4 giorni, se è meno meglio hahaha, NON mento, e NON mi piace lavorare sotto pressione osservo tutto quello che mi manda, noto ogni dettaglio, e immagino come le persone potrebbero sentirsi motivate ad acquistare, immagino tutto, poi inizia il mio lavoro, quando Esco a pranzo guardo la gente, vedo le coppie e il loro modo di comprare, osservare e immaginare è quello che faccio, torno a casa e provo a comportarmi come alcune delle persone che ho visto, ed è qui che inizia il mio lavoro, redactare, usare l'intelligenza artificiale e gli algoritmi, fare anche operazioni matematiche, tutto questo e altro ancora, l'immaginazione è ciò che uso e mi piace farlo, In effetti, il mio capo sembra apprezzare il mio lavoro perché manda e manda e io lavoro e lavoro hahaha

È bello che ti piaccia così tanto usare l'immaginazione. Non riesco a immaginare di vederti per strada e che tu mi guardi, hahaha.... questi giorni penserei che cercheresti di derubarmi o qualcosa del genere quando sono sbadato.

Mi congratulo con te per aver usato la tua immaginazione per avere successo nel tuo lavoro. La mia immaginazione serve solo per scrivere o creare ricette o altre piccole cose.

hahahaha, io guardo e analizzo gli atteggiamenti delle persone in modo molto sottile, guardi attentamente le pubblicità, si basano sulla vita di tutti i giorni, tutto nasce da lì e l'immaginazione finisce per cristallizzarlo.
Ti auguro un felice fine settimana

Buona giornata dell'amicizia a voi e buon fine settimana.

Are you the employee of the month, month after month? 😁
So you have a lot of imagination, does it show in your Steemit account, in what you write?


Hahaha, I am the employee of the month, of the week and I would say of the year, the bad thing is that I earn the same

 3 days ago 

It is a good thing you have a home office.. The next step: not answering phone and email

What is your niche sports?

When I saw that movie I thought ¿ what did he do with the money he earned? I am a visionary, now I work hard to get what I want, so when I am 30 I will have I will have a rented apartment and with this money from it I will possibly be ready to buy another one and I will do the same, so my life will be more pleasant, I think I am at the right time to build a future for myself.
I am a surfer, I like water sports, I go to the gym 4 times a week and I also like jogging and basketball.
I have fun, not much but I do it .

Penso che tu usi molto bene la tua immaginazione, ti aiuta nel tuo lavoro e molto probabilmente anche nella vita, sei una di quelle persone che non ha bisogno di essere coinvolto per imparare, mi piace il tuo modo di essere perché sei intelligente, un po' divertente e aiuti le persone, ti sono molto grato, come dice mia madre, che DIO ti benedica.

 3 days ago 

A little bit funny 🤔

What is your niche?

The mechanics

 2 days ago (edited)

Making Henna Yesterday

There will be a wedding of my madam's nephew. They are all busy preparing the golds to be given to the bride before Ramadan Their coming wedding will be after the Ramadam. Early preparation is the best to avoid traffic to all of us. Yesterday , madam.told me to to make henna to her foot. And I did it. I learned this things from.the artist who made it every time that had a celebration. After watching them repeatedly, I tried it but not perfect.

Using henna paste from dried henna powder. They mixed it with 10 % kerosene with water to enhance the best result of the art.



This will take 2 to three hours before washing it and you can see a perfect color. I just made the simple grove using my finger tips. If madam will wake up later I will show you the result.

#betterlife #comment #niche #henna

@me2selah where are you guys, @jurich60 and @sarimanok

@wakeupkitty.pal @wakeupkitty how are you?

 2 days ago 

This is interesting but I have no idea where to buy kersone. I wonder if there's something else I can use. I will look it up. So your madam sleeps with the feet up and the henna paste on it?

You can make a good post in the community Art & Artists it doesn't matter if you are a pro or a hobbyist since this is a craft as well.

Another wedding? It's a big family by now. You will be busy.

Thanks for sharing.

Okay, I will a detailed post. I washed it after two hours steady on her feet. She kept on sitting down until I wash it.

Yes, a other wedding but not her child. It is her nephew. Today they will bring the golds to the bride to be.

I look forward to your post!


My niche is animations, not my job. There's nothing I can add to this except this is what I like most. As a child I watched many, I like cartoons, the jolly, funny ones and the strange ones. We had many as I grew up. Let me share a few with you.

Dexter's Laboratory

Cow and Chicken

Johnny Bravo - whose that handsome guy

and there are many more good to work with, characters speaking to the imagination.

#betterlife #comment #niche

(Published through Steemit Dapp

 3 days ago 

Dexter YES the others no so.

Da bambino sognavo di fare il capitano di aereo, con il tempo mi sono accorto che sono molto abile con le mani, è una cosa che ho ereditato da mio padre, uscivo con lui a lavorare, mio ​​padre ha un'officina meccanica e mi ha insegnato fin da piccolo a lavorare lì, ho imparato a maneggiare le torno , la fresa e altro in officina.
Ho studiato per diventare ingegnere meccanico e questo è il mio lavoro attuale, ma mi piace essere coinvolto nel lavoro, non solo dare ordini. Sono molto abile in tutto ciò che è manuale. Costruisco tavoli per un'azienda molto nota qui in COLOMBIA chiamata VÉLEZ. Questo è uno di quelli che costruisco. In conclusione, sono un ingegnere meccanico e un costruttore, è così che mi guadagno da vivere.

A Cueros Vélez si lavora tutto ciò che riguarda la pelle, su questi tavoli vengono posizionate le pelli che serviranno come materia prima


Thank you very much for your support

Questi tavoli sono abbastanza alti e non sarebbe più comodo se il piano superiore fosse un po' più lungo in modo da lasciare spazio alle gambe? Questo è ciò che trovo fastidioso in molti tavoli da lavoro: si è costretti a fare un passo indietro e a stare più piegati del necessario, causando disturbi alla schiena e a me. In questo caso, quindi, è adatto solo un tavolo senza piano sottostante, e spesso è troppo basso. Cosa si farà delle pelli? Lavorate anche la pelle?

Il vostro conto e le vostre pendenze vi dicono qual è la vostra nicchia? Avete un logo, un avatar, uno slogan che vi rimanda?

Grazie per aver condiviso la vostra nicchia. 👍


Mi hanno mandato le misure, devo tenerne conto per farlo, ho visto le pelli disposte sui tavoli, cadono da entrambi i lati, è l'unica cosa che ho visto.
Io NON lavoro con la pelle, questa azienda è specializzata in questo, scarpe, borse, tutto ciò che riguarda la pelle, è rinomata, mi sento fortunato a lavorare per loro, è un lavoro aggiuntivo alla manutenzione dei loro macchinari e ovviamente alla produzione di parti per loro, che è il mio lavoro come ingegnere.


Ada beberapa ketrampilan yang bisa saya kerjakan, salah satunya yaitu mengubah sampah menjadi barang berguna seperti yang saya perlihatkan ini, barang ini terbuat dari bibir Aqua gelas dan saya lapisi menggunakan kawat Twister.

Hasil karya saya sudah banyak terjual sampai keluar daerah, tapi beberapa waktu yang lalu saya berhenti memproduksi karena ada sedikit kendala, bahkan sekarang pun masih ada saja orang yang mengorder barang tersebut dan saya menolak untuk mengerjakannya.

Saya juga mengundang teman-teman saya untuk ikut berpartisipasi disini semoga bisa beruntung ya, @hamidrizwan @missyleo, @hafsasaadat90.

#betterlife #comment #niche

 5 days ago 

دعوت دینے کا بہت شکریہ ۔کہا یہ آپکا گھر ہے؟ واقعی اعلیٰ ذوق کی نشاندھی کرتا ہے ۔

Tidak temanku, saya sedang berada di sekolah di mana saya bekerja dan ada beberapa barang yang saya kerjakan bersama anak-anak dan hari ini saya menunjukkan bahwa itu semua hasil karya yang pernah saya lakukan waktu itu.

 5 days ago 

واہ آپ جاب بھی کرتی ہیں

 3 days ago 

So this is your niche 😁 you are an artist and can show your crafts in Arts & Artist @hive-120695 😍

So why did you stop?

🤭 saya akan melakukannya, terimakasih teman,

My skills... I think I have several...
One thing I am passionate about is gardening. I like pruning, planting, transplanting, and harvesting; it's so exciting. I feel that this is a form of fun, distraction, and mind-clearing, and it is so important in my life that I don't think I could live in a place where there was simply no place to put plants.

My other inclination in the kitchen... I like to create recipes from others who are already established. I like to make pastries, sweets, cookies, and things like that. My last recipe was a chocolate cake filled with coconut cream and jelly topping. That turned out very tasty. My son and I tasted it in December.

Inviting @kgwork, @eddyt to participate

#betterlife #comment #niche

Does yoir account reflect your niche? Does your avatar do, the posts you write? Are there plants, cookies even if you write about a different topic to show what your niche is? Is your account, are your posts different from others? Can one tell at first sight what your niche is?

That cake sounds good. Do you have a recipe, a photo?
Gardening they say is therapeutic (I agree it makes me think and angry) although in England they said gardening gives you covid19 just like drinking tea.


When I started writing on this platform I did it through my plants, always recommending the best things to plant. In almost all my publications I always put diverse plants. I always post more posts about gardening than about any other topic.
On other occasions I have published my cooking recipes and even once I had a contest about ways to interact with nature. Where you could say what you knew about plants and some ways of cooking. I wish I could do it again so that lovers of plants, food, sweets, and others could leave their information. The truth is that I think it is very different now and I really don't know how to do it.

Here is the picture of my cake, it is not difficult to make. It is mostly imagination. I don't have the image on this desktop computer.

I have the picture on my laptop in my office. In the morning I will pass you the picture I saved there of my gelatin cake.


Thank you very much.

 3 days ago 

Is this a cake covered by a cream? I never saw something like this 😍

You can host a contest if you like. It deoends on the topic where to post. Please, keep in mind a lot has changed and the focus is no longer at many words, also because of a high increase of AI generated texts.

Valid entries could receive a (50-) 100% uovote, also given by a community.

Next to that SP can be delegated or UVF/SBI both good for growth.

You could host 3 contests and give an extra reward to the one who joined all three. You can also run 1 contest longer than 1 week and post the next 2 weeks later.

That is a cake covered with jelly. Around these parts of the world I saw the recipe, but there are many with different additions. I liked this one and made it.

I do not master the topic about:
on what should I do to make a contest in a certain community?
Who should I talk to?
What do I have to do to ask for permission to hold a contest?

These are some of the things I would like to know, but I don't know who to contact to give me the authorization.

I would like to have a weekly contest, with themes about nature which is my thing, and I could give Steem as a reward, at the beginning, until some benefactor joins and something else happens.

There are still many communities that ask for 300 words in their texts. Most of the contests I participate in are still like that.

What do you say? give me your opinion and recommendation.

Hello friends , well It doesn't feel good to praise yourself. But I am a multi talented housewife.
First I am a good in making food. My child hubby and neighborhood love to eat food makes by my hands.
2nd I feel house should be clean all the time and I do it by my self.
3rd I teach my children's by myself , I don't want to send them to academy. And still my children's getting top positions in class.
4th I am helping my hubby in their house load by earning with teaching. There are more then 20 students of neighbors whom I am teaching .
#betterlife #comment #niche

So your skill is teaching but is this your niche too? What is your hobby or what would you like to do more because you are good at it or love? Cooking?

I like to read that you like it and that you cook very well and tasty. I am not a chef but I like to cook at home and when I invite people over I like to get their opinion about the food.

I congratulate you for your many activities at home.

By profession I'm a police officer but my passion is coding, and want to be ML specialist so for this I'm pursuing my Master's in Robotics.
Part time i am presentation designer as well, i joined this plateform few years back now reactive my self to write o. Regular basis.
I'm really in love with this community will post content here .In nut shell i am multitask doer and love to engage with international people.
#betterlife #niche #comment

 3 days ago (edited)

What is a comtent designer? Does it show in your posts? The coding is interesting is it a result of your job or do you like puzzling, searching for solutions or?

I noticed you've been absent for longer. Do you like to join these two courses?

#miner-wewrite - good to meet many people and be unique. Steemit changed a lot during the past year.

Technology & Development Club