Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Coffee Time



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Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest A Better Life(3).jpg


Write a comment about coffee time

Tulis komentar tentang waktu minum kopi

Coffee time

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• Minimum of words: 25

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• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #coffeetime

• Deadline: payout of this post

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paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

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Date: 24.12.2024

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP by writing. Please, do NOT post in it unless you are invited!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #coffeetime #wewrite #steemexclusive

 3 months ago (edited)

Coffee Time Story

I just started loving coffee this year 2024. I didn't like it and was not train drinking coffee until the day I got a new come-worker from Ethiopian country who drank coffee almost every hour. She is drinking it like daily uses of water. It is a black coffee blended by herself from beans to black coffee without sugar.

She turned the beans into black color and processed in a blender.

She used this kettle made from her homeland and keep the coffee boiled for almost one hour. She puts water up to the top and keelp boiling until the half of the water ran out . she drank the remaining liquid on this stuff and enjoyed her moment.

When I tasted it, it's so thick without sugar. After that , it made me awake and not sleepy. What a power of the coffee. After learning that it made me awake, I try drinking it so I can make a lot of post before sleeping but I am worry if it will affect my health. I am now drinking a little amount sometimes and I drink the coffee of my boss without sugar but the color is golden brown.*

*This is Arabic coffee made from coffee beans, cardamom, cloves and ginger powder without sugar. I like this lately compared to black coffee. I am the one blended this from beans to powdered coffee.

What can you advice me about it @wakeupkitty?

#betterlife #comment #coffeetime

 3 months ago 

Boiling for 1 hour? What a waste of energy and next drinking that syrup every hour. I am familiar with this "thick" coffee from Turkey and a friend made it as well if on holidays and traveling but the idea is you use a bit and add (hot) water to it as much as is yoimur taste (or boiled whipped milk or it is used for dessserts ir pie. I did nitice that if this is saved too long (2+ days there's mold on it).

I never heard of coffee mixed with anything but what you drink sounds way more healthy.
Coffee makes me sleepy. They also say it helps against obstipation. Not if it comes to anyone I know, and one cup per day (just like red wine) should be good for the heart (most likely because it widens the blood vessels). Does it help everyone? I doubt it. If that would be the case heart attacks wouldn't exist and we all would be healthy and never sleep again.

I like to hear your coffee recipe.


By the way
They say the worst for one's health is unfiltered coffee.

The coffee I drank was made up of powdered coffee, ginger powder, cardamom and clove, its a kind of herbal coffee. One tablespoon of coffee powder not black coffee for one thermoses. Bring it to boil and drink the mixture after eating your meal. You can drink it slowly in one day.

 3 months ago (edited)

Venezuela es tierra de Café....

Si, mi país posee uno de los mejores café del mundo, creo que podemos compartir ese título con Colombia, nuestra república hermana.

En mi país las 24 horas del día son para el tiempo del café, acá puedes beber café a cualquier hora, despiertas y te desayunas una taza de café, llegas a a cualquier lugar o casa de visita y te dan una taza de café, vas a algún negocio y su dueño te da café.

En la tarde, en la noche y hasta de madrugada te dan café, compartir esta bebida es símbolo de amistad, entendimiento y buenos modales, así es el café en mi país.

Hay personas que no solo te dan el café, pues también está la costumbre que viene acompañado con un pedazo generoso de pan, este puede ser dulce o salado, un pedazo de torta o incluso galletas, eso es algo que a mí personalmente me alegra la vida.

El café también lleva preguntas, algunas como estas:

Quieres negro o con leche?
Con azúcar o sin azúcar?
Frío o caliente?

El café en Venezuela es maravilloso, espero algún día tomarme una taza de café contigo.

Hace poco gane unas hermosas tazas para café.


Bendiciones para todos.

 3 months ago 

Muchas gracias por este valioso apoyo, bendiciones @aneukpineung78

Walaupun saya bukan pencinta kopi tetapi saya pernah minum kopi dan itu dulu sekali saat saya masih remaja, karena orang tua saya suka minum kopi jadi saya juga ikut-ikutan minum kopi akan tetapi setelah saya menikah dan saya sudah tak ingat lagi kapan terakhir saya minum kopi.

Dan sekarang saya memang tidak pernah minum kopi apalagi kalau mencium aroma kopi membuat kepala saya sakit, tapi jangan salah walaupun saya tidak suka minum kopi untuk membuat kopi dan saya sajikan untuk orang itu tidak masalah.

Bahkan kalau saya di ajak minum kopi yang saya pesan malah teh hijau atau pun jus saja, yang kopi tetap saya tidak berminat untuk meminumnya.

Entahlah....biar kata kawan saya kopi itu enak bagi saya tetap tidak suka Minum kopi, disekolah saya pernah mencoba untuk minum kopi susu dingin dengan warna yang sangat menggoda, setelah saya minum sedikit saya langsung mual, jadi kalau sekarang saya di tawari kopi saya lebih memilih jus saja.

Bagaimana pendapat anda pak @munaa, @joan-na, @ramadhayani84. Yuk berikan komentar anda tentang kopi.

#betterlife #comment #coffeetime

 3 months ago 

Before I like taking coffee, but I stopped taking coffee when I was told it is not good for slim person like me to be taking coffee. I think everyone has a reason for taking or not taking coffee. I wish you good luck.

So no coffee time for you? I believe with us it's more an expression and it means it is time for a short break at 10 am while tea time is around 3:30-4 pm.

 3 months ago 

Sincerely saying I don't have a coffee time, I only take it when I have the appetite for it.

coffee-time with us is another expression of saying it's time to take a break. It doesn't matter if you drink coffee, tea, water or nothing. It's just the break we have around 10 am at home or at work.
I am not fond of coffee either although I did drink it as a teenager. I no longer like it and figured out it's because of the way it smells. I can drink it as long as I don't have to smell it. I like some ice coffees but most I don't. I also don'tlike ice cubes in my drinks

so what is it you do if you take a break?

 3 months ago 

Kalau dulu sih saya tidak suka kopi sekarang saya malahan suka kopinya apalagi ditambah susu wih pokoknya mantap dah jadi kopi susu🤗

 3 months ago 

Coffee time?

There's a day in my life that I spent a whole day for a coffee time and I really had 7-10 cups of coffee! I moved from one coffee shop to another every 3 hours to meet different person, communities/organizations. When I was young, I used to see --Tea Break-- in the list of agenda of a meeting or event. But later, it was replaced to --Coffee break--. For us, Acehnese or Indonesian, making an appointment to meet at a coffee shop also mean coffee time.

What happens during the coffee time? if it's in an event, it means smoking time and having a cup of coffee with some cakes then a chit chat with other participants, sometimes it's a continuation of unfinished discussion, sometimes it's a chance to joke around and exchanging news too.

Coffee time, it's a way to get to know new contacts and to arrange another time to have a cup of coffee outside. "ngopi yok" or let's have a cup of coffee is a common invitation we heard amongs close or not so close friends. After I got married, I purchased coffeemaker and spent my afternoon with hubby having a cup of coffee each (different beans source) as a way to enjoy our quality time. But sometimes, I will ask him to take me out to meet my friend who stopping by at our city and of course it happens at a coffee shop.

Taking coffee with friends is a good idea but no to smoking . It will hurt you later. But I saw a lot of women smoke and drink coffee and even liquors. I just love coffee this year 2024, it helped me to keep myself awake. Just like last night , we had party in the house of my boss brother, I drank a cup of coffee before going there. Without that cup of coffee, I could not stay with the party.

 3 months ago 

You smoke?

I understand why those you meet drink 1 cups because you do the talking but why do you drink that much?
It's here for sure the same at offices and meetings and the hair dresser offers coffee or tea but I never visit one way too expensive and drinking tea served in a coffee cup is disgusting.

With us many make coffee at home. It's way cheaper than going out and have some drink served you don't like. There's no choice in beans just in how it is prepared.

Thanks for sharing your cup of tea coffee.

Could you sleep after all those cups?


 3 months ago 

😁 it's not a cup of coffee like you have at home. I'm kinda of person who loves to improvise my own coffee taste. I would have a sibgle or double shots espresso, then asking for a lemon or coconut water, I'll mix them together.. just like a bartender🤭.

To tell you the truth, in my hometown, you will recognize people who order one cup of coffee and sit at the same place from 8 am to 6pm before he ordered another cup😁. I need 2 cups or more depending on what topic I discussed with people I have an appointment with.

Can I sleep? Sometimes, no matter how pure and strong the coffee i drink, I'll fall asleep as soon as I touch my bed. But many times, after a cup of coffee milk or cappuccino, I can't sleep for 36-48 hours. So, it's not about the caffeine issue for me.

We're close to the coffee plantation and many friends also owner of the Cafe abd coffee plantation, so.. fresh coffee is available at the coffee shop, besides what we seek in coffee time is actually information, the vibes and the fun being with the circle.

A place named coffee time in Medan, North Sumatra, where's no visitors in the morning, all coffees served in a plastic/paper cup (take away style), I spend 3 hours here waiting for the time to flight back to Jakarta with my hubby. We have an argument a day ago and we came to an agreement after a cup of coffee 😁

 3 months ago 

I don't have coffee at home, although we have instant and coffee beans (my son) which we use for tiramisu and the beans covered by chocolate are great too (it doesn't come with a smell).

People make all sorts of coffee at home and there are hundreds of coffee machines espresso, capicino, you name it. If I would drink coffee I will go to @ibesso since he's making it the old fashioned way and that's how I like it (and Italy and him which also helps to swallow it and keep my nose closed thought he'll be fine if I drink ginger tea or rooibos and he drinks the coffee and I keep hem company - I watch there's nothing to speak).
The photo you show looks great. What is lemonade Madness? I believe the Chocolate antibody is worth a try. I don't like red velvet although I once tried a cake and it wasn't as bad as thought but it's more about chemicals than natural ingredients.
I'm not a coconut fan although I like the coconut cookies (sticky) which you rarely see those days (like most of the food and drinks we had during my childhood).

It sounds that the coffee doesn't really affect you and the fact you can't sleep has to do with something else.
The place (back to the photo) reminds me of something I saw in Malom in Hungary. It looks inviting enough.

Thanks for sharing, coffee in plastic of paper covered with plastic is dangerous for the health. will they serve if you bring along your own cup? Plastic and paper also changes the taste but I guess a coffee adict won't notice it just like an alcoholic will drink straight out of the bottle or wine out of plastic bottle or cheap tetra pack.

The best time is to go is also in the morning if no one is around. 😁

P.s. an argument in public... what did you add to his coffee?

 3 months ago 

P.s. an argument in public... what did you add to his coffee?

🤦 He wanted me to pay for a kilogram of good coffee beans, but i proposed to purchase half of it because we couldn't afford it. But the way i told him was bad and he's mad at me. We have to shorten our stay at my hometown because of that😓

Lemon madness 😅 it's not safe for those who intolerant to acids. Lemon juice, lime juice, sprite/sodas, ice and mint leaves also lemon slices.

I'll add sprite to my coffee sometime, but without pepper.. it doesn't taste good for me

 3 months ago (edited)

I only heard of a German (elderly) friend adding lemon to her coffee she said because of the flue but hated the taste. We don'tadd sprite or whatever to coffee only sugar, whipped cream, some chocolate, haselnuts, milk, whipped milk, creamer or whipped cream (or allo. Aaaah, I forgot to mention the alcohol. It's added to it or served next to it. I guess for the cold winter days to stay warm and if it doesn't help it's just alcohol.
In the old days they even gave it to babies to keep them silent and let sleep them over night (sugar was added to it).
People have acid allergies? It's not good for the teeth and stomach.

P.s. sorry you had to leave earlier but your husband should be old enough to understand that you can't buy what you cannot afford and 0.5 kilo is better than nothing and one won't die if drinking one cup less or a smaller one.

 3 months ago 

Oohh... I forget to tell you that once I was known as a source information about how to get "cannabis coffees" in town🫣😆 cannabis is forbidden in our country, but my hometown also famous for our squirrel tails cannabis products.
A late friend was selling this kind of coffee grounds. He got the cannabis to mix with the coffee from a contact in military. I used to buy this kind of coffee for gift and never had it for myself 😅 so I dunno how it tastes.

All I know, everyone who had it will ask for more😄. After my friend passed away in 2020, I have no other source to get the cannabis/ganja coffee.

I like my coffee mixed with lemon, with nutmegs, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, star Anise, cardamom, fermented sugar palm's sap or Kupi ie jok. And most famous one amongst the old males coffee lover is "kupi nyen", coffee mixed with half ripped areca palm's fruit (they say it's work better than Viagra 🤦) crazy good marketing 😁

I know where to get the fermented coffee whatever they say cold-brew thingy something (I know they add real beer or wine in it😉) while many people won't talk about it publicly. Because it's forbidden too.

Whoooaa.. I can talk about coffee time forever😄😅 who ask me to have time to spend with so many people unexpectedly during coffee time?

Oohh.. you don't know that having a good coffee beans/ground from my hometown is a luxury for us. So he got too excited and I was harshly shouting at him in front of the seller 😓 I didn't tell him that we have a budget limitation for coffee before. It's all in the past. Coffee time is a perfect time to start a fire and building peace too.

 3 months ago 

El café es una bebida deliciosa y difícil de rechazar, pero siente tazas de café es mucho. Pero en su caso fue algo diferente, el tiempo y el momento hicieron que la disfrutará.

 3 months ago 

Exactly 🤗 but it's all in the past🤭 I'd prefer fruit juice now

 3 months ago 

Pasti disan juga lahir banyak gosip yang terbaru dan terlama.

Minum kopi bersama sangat asyik, bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam

 3 months ago 

Banyak hal bisa terjadi di atas meja kedai kopi, dari sekedar membahas berita koran sampai menyusun program. Saya ingat betul bagaimana saya mendapat cerita tentang rumah-rumah yang diberi tanda silang merah oleh tentara di Gampong Meureue, Indrapuri adalah dari hasil saya bersosialisasi di warkop. Meski orang-orang heran melihat perempuan datang sendiri dan langsung pesan kopi pancong.

Tidak ada yang mendekat bertanya kecuali pemilik warung. Tetapi begitu saya mengeluarkan roti sele samahani dan samsu lalu saya peutaba pada yg lain (ada 3-5 laki2 dewasa, dan saya yakin 1 diantaranya adalah intel 😁) mereka yg menatap curiga, pelan2 mulai banyak cerita.

Itu adalah salah satu momen coffee time yang tidak akan terlupa.

 3 months ago (edited)

pengalaman dan cerita yang terus dikenang sepanjang masa, beginilah warung kopi tempat yang lengkap di penuhi oleh berbagai kalangan, bisa dijadikan sebagai rumah, bisa juga sebagai kantor.

modalnya cuma rokok, semua bisa mendekati kita sebagai teman untuk berbicara.

Ngopi yok.. jangan main steemit mulu!

 3 months ago 


El café es una bebida deliciosa que en casa no puede faltar; es primordial para iniciar el día. Es la mejor fuente de energía para estar activo.

Una de mis horas para consumir esta deliciosa bebida, a las siete de la mañana, hasta de comenzar con mi rutina diaria. Puede que tome otra taza mientras estoy preparando el almuerzo.

De igual manera, por las tardes, a eso de las tres de la tarde, es algo que no puede faltar para mantener una conversación con mi esposo e hijos. Esta parte del día me fascina.

Me despido, extendiendo la invitación a mis amigos: @lirvic @simonisai15 @santamorillo

 3 months ago 

Saludos amiga y gracias por la invitación de verdad que esta bebida es el componente ideal para poder iniciar nuestras mañanas con ánimo.

Sin el café en la mañana es fijo un dolor de cabeza jajaja 😂😂😂😂😂 el es tradición en todos los hogares venezolanos es raro pasar por una calle a las 7 de la mañana donde no llegue el olor de café a nuestra nariz muchos éxitos para ti estaré atenta a dejar mi entrada.

 3 months ago 

Hola amiga.
Espero leer tu comentario, me imagino que debes tomar un poco de café.

Everywhere coffee time?


 3 months ago 

Si en cada hogar hay una hora, un momento y un tiempo dedicado al café ☕☕☕ gracias por la visita y comentario.

Infinitamente agradecida....

Good one that photo! You make me feel welcome. 👍


 3 months ago 

This is a beautiful context that keeps us engaged with each content created on this platform. Without wasting much time, let me take you through my coffee time.

Fortunately for me, I got the opportunity to have coffee today at the workplace even though most members are on vacation, the few of us there had a lot of fun.

During coffee time, the discussion was about football. The question was whether the new Manchester United Manager's presence would change the club's performance. As lovers of football, we deliberated on this for several hours with each having their own opinion.

In the end, we could all not agree on the point that things will change. But we all believed that his presence has so far impacted the team positively.

As a United fun, I am hoping that his performance will increase hence making the team's performance much better.

With this I will love to hear every ones though on this? Wheather is presence will eventually change the teams performance from worse to glory in the near future or currently?

Well soccer, a cool topic to discuss at coffee time, I see it looks like Manchester United's current news is not very good, because they just lost to Bournemouth, and previously also suffered a defeat to Tottenham.

Coach Ruben Amorim stated that his players were too nervous, causing the defeat.

Can Manchester United win against Wolverhampton on Boxing Day, as a Christmas present for the fans?

 3 months ago 

Hahahahahahaha, it is good to have you pass by,

Indeed the nervousness of the players showed clearly when they were playing against Tottenham, it is rather unfortunate they could not control their nervousness and it was transferred to the Bournemouth game.

I strongly believe that the team will be strong under the coach. Listening to how he talks basically means he has the plan he wants to implement. It is just that the players are struggling to adapt to his style of play, which I believe they will understand soon.

I believe the standards will start against Wolves, I think United will find their feet in this match and then it will continue from there. With the poor performance in the last two games, I do not doubt that this game is a must-win for the team and it will be the stepping stone for their better future.

Even thought the coach needs time to be able to implement his strategies, we need to be wining some games along side. That is why I believe this Wolves game will be the starting point and they will win by a at least two goals difference.

 3 months ago (edited)


It's great to give me a little boost. Nothing fancy just fresh ground organic beans in a little hand grinder. Really hits the spot in the morning.
Every party has a pooper and that's me. Coffee goes in both ends. Every now and then I like to do a liver cleanse. Sooo. It's coffee enema time. Coffee works its magic both ways.


The hand grinder. I loved my granny's old one most atrached to the wall.

It look a bit like this one

source pixabay

 3 months ago 

Coffee time, an essential part of life for millions of people on planet, is a signal of a fresh beginning. A hot cup of coffee is a cup of energy to embrace the world and containing spirits to overcome the challenges of the day. From the fragrance that remains suspended in the air to the fuller bodied tastes that remain in our throat, coffee has been able to make its own niche among some of the most popular drinks in the world.

While caffeine is widely considered as the major component that people associate with coffee it is so much more than just a chemical high. It is the fact that it is a social activity; a pause in the day; a welcome repetition of a familiar tradition; the memories of the first sip in the morning. It is either a personal hobby, which is read with an important book or newspaper, or a group activity, where friends and co-workers share stories and jokes.

Beverage which unites all the cultures of the world is coffee and, of course, it has its own story. Originally, the coffee grown in Ethiopia, where it was fated to be found, planting increased in the territory of Brazil, and now it occupies coffee shops in megacities. Originally it was a drink for the rich only, but nowadays millions of people consume it every day.

Thats why coffee is very much prepared with such meticulous work from choosing specific beans for the roasting, grinding and finally the actual brewing of the coffee. From the simplest method of pouring hot water over ground coffee, to the more involved process of roasting the beans and brewing the coffee, every stage is a clear demonstration of coffee lovers devotion to this favorite beverage.

And coffee works miracles: It’s uplifting, it’s warm, it brings people together. It’s the scent, the taste, the byzantine array of meanings — however you want to break it down — coffee can do wonders. To this vein, while considering the coffee with which daily start our day and on which rely to help us face the day’s challenges, there is a lot that one can think of and which I have tried to capture above looking at it not only as a beverage but as an element to pause and take a sip from in the busy and often troubled lives. For, from that visibility, readiness, coziness, the seguridad, a small but highly potent piece of order is to be had – in a cup of coffee.



#betterlife #comment #coffeetime #wewrite #steemexclusive

You know if I read you and all the others there is one thing that comes to mind: The one who promoted coffee did a very good job. World wide we all received the same message if it comes to coffee, how it makes us feel, the coziness, the aroma and so on. That can not be a coincidence. Who was the one starting the coffee trend?

 3 months ago 

We all know that coffee is a drink that is popular with many people. Not only men have the right to drink coffee, but there are some women who also enjoy coffee. There are several activities that many people do to enjoy a cup of coffee.

  • Like Relieving Stress
  • To provide inspiration or new ideas that have been lost
  • Even Coffee is Also Served in Relationships and Love
  • There are some people who make coffee their lifestyle
  • And others

I really like coffee, especially before I work. I will make love first with a cup of coffee because for me coffee can raise my spirits more passionately. I once ran out of water while out gardening and all that was left was the black coffee I brought from home. For me, one day is enough to do some more work that is left behind.

  • Maybe here you all will ask what I really like about a cup of coffee.
  • What I like most about the presence of a cup of coffee is. Kapi can provide inspiration and new ideas and honestly some posts might not be finished if they weren't accompanied by a cup of coffee.

Maybe that's the end of my opinion about coffee.

Anda sedang minum kopi sekarang?

Jenis kopi apa yang Anda sukai?

Menurut komentar Anda, sepertinya kopi menjadi pengganti makanan yang berperan penting bagi keseharian Anda?

Sungguh, Kopi adalah teman sejati ya!

 3 months ago 

Biasanya saya selalu ditemani secangkir kopi sebelum melakukan aktivitas dan kopi yang saya sukai itu kopi hitam. Kebanyakan di aceh adalah kopi sareng. Perpaduan manis pahitnya terasa.Tetapi semua kopi tidak masalah bagi saya. itu saja

Best wishes for this contest

 3 months ago 

Thank you guys did you follow it. Regards

Welcome Dear for your positive response back

Last week we spoke about "memories" and the winners are:
@tahispadron and @watii

2 UVF each is paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

Now it's time for coffee? What is it you talk about or don't you have coffee time? I remember the old commercials. It always had been told that coffee makes a home a real home, is cosy and nothing smells as great as this drink. True?

You are home where you find "Douwe Egberts" coffee (in this case home is a boat)

 3 months ago (edited)

Terimakasih sudah memilih tulisan saya.
Saya tidak begitu menyukai kopi,apalagi kopi hitam,karena selain tidak suka,saya juga punya penyakit lambung,kopi susu saya suka tapi setiap sehabis meminumnya perut saya langsung sakit dan masuk angin, ujung-ujungnya penyakit lambung saya kambuh,makannya saya tidak pernah membuat kopi dirumah saya

 3 months ago 

Muchas gracias.
Ese tema me encanta, porque el café es una de mis bebidas favoritas. Por supuesto que estaré por aquí con un delicioso café ☕