Betterlife | Actsofkindness : Village Without Hunger ( SDGs )
The Village SDGs are an integrated program to realize a village without poverty and hunger, an economic village that grows evenly, a village that cares about health, a village that cares about the environment, a village that cares about education, a village that is friendly to women, a village that is networked, and a village that is culturally responsive to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In English, the Sustainable Development Goals are abbreviated as SDGs.
Prior to the Village SDGs, villages did not carry out targeted and sustainable development to realize a prosperous and independent village. With the Village SDGs, the direction of development goals in the village will be more directed and measurable to be prosperous and independent by involving all parties in the village and optimizing the potential of the existing village.
Starting in 2021, the government has ratified a derivative of Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 concerning the implementation of achieving sustainable national development goals. Or so that the National SDGs can be realized, then the National SDGs are lowered into Village SDGs. The Village SDGs are expected to be a reference for village development in 2020-2024.
Assistants are the frontline in implementing these rules in their respective work areas. In this case, cooperation with Muspika is needed to be realized as stated in the mandate of the law.
Indonesia is a developing country with a very large population. There are still many rural communities that have not been touched by fair and equitable development. One of them is human development which is the basis of today's problems.
With the inability of the village community, it is possible that the village will become a village of hunger and poverty because human development has not been implemented properly and completely in the villages. So far, the benefits of government programs have not been used properly. They expect more daily income for the needs of the family without seeing the negative aspects that arise in a building. So that the work is also done carelessly in order to finish quickly and can take money from the Activity Implementation Team.
The year 2022 will soon arrive, so all of us empowerment facilitators must intensively conduct socialization about sustainable development so that it is included in village planning for 2022.
Among the activities that must be accommodated in village planning to avoid a village without hunger and poverty are as follows;
- BLT - Village Fund
- Community capacity building training that supports the improvement of the community's economy
- Development of agricultural irrigation facilities.
- Job creation through PKTD
- Utilization of village potential with high economic value.
- Village dam construction
- Procurement of production equipment that supports village potential.
- Establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises that provide agricultural equipment, fertilizers, and distribute the economic results of rural communities.
With these activities, villages have been able to overcome hunger and poverty in their respective rural communities. The pandemic is a very difficult condition for all of us to socialize the direction of development policies for the 2022 fiscal year. Hopefully this pandemic will quickly pass from the surface of the earth.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕐𝕠𝕦
cc. @pennsif and @steemcurator01
ℝ𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝔹𝕪 @𝕞𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕒𝕙𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕚n
Good post
Thank you