Should Everything We Wish For Work As Plan For Us
There is a lot about life that is difficult for us to comprehend (understand) if we keep forcing the things that we want to work in our favor. If you have heard the word "life is not a bed of roses" and nurtured it in your mind, then you will come to understand that sometimes life gives us something different from that which we desire.
Let me tell you a story about three good friends who were always seen together right from their childhood. Peter, John, and David had the same dreams and aspirations in life. They all wanted to become doctors when they grew up, and as you read this post, they are now men. Both of them sat for JAMB and passed very well, but it was unfortunate that they weren't offered admission to study their dream course so they could become the doctor they had dreamt of.
Peter was offered to study microbiology, John biology education, and David industrial chemistry. Looking at what was offered to them to study at the university, they all rejected the admission and chose to reapply the next year. They both sat for JAMB again and came out with a good grade. This time around, John was offered to study radiography, Peter Medical Laboratory Science, and David Nursing Science, and they all accepted their admission and started with their program.
After some of their studies in the university, they graduated from the University, sat for their professional examination, and passed, but they continued to practice what they studied in the university despite the love they had for humanity in their early life. They all went into business, and today, both are CEO of their respective business.