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RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Mirror


A mirror is like a shadow that always follows what its owner does. If they do good and walk on the truth, the reflection in the mirror will be more beautiful when looked at. If they come with bad things, the reflection in the mirror will not change anything and their bad things will still be visible.

The mirror is a reflection of our own lives, the mirror never disappoints whoever is in front of it, they will always be honest in showing the authenticity given. Mirrors are not only a tool to help when dressing up or seeing intersections such as those in vehicle rearview mirrors, but mirrors can also be given a deeper meaning to our own lives and personalities.


  • The words to look in the mirror before judging other people can be material for reflection so that we don't carelessly comment and judge based on our own standards.
    said inspiration

  • Generally, people find it easier to see other people's mistakes than their own. Everything is judged by one's own standards so considering everything that is not the same is wrong.
    said inspiration

Maybe that's all from me about the mirror and the meaning of this life, before we see and judge other people we have to see and judge ourselves in front of the mirror to see whether we are greater than them. maybe that's all and sorry if some of my words hurt you and I didn't mean that. Greetings @jalpasee


You know what mirrors I like? Those laughing mirrors. Now I think about it I don't see them often these days. It would be a good thing to introduce them again and have a good laugh. We all could use that.

If you ask me, the mirror disappoints most people, and many would rather avoid using it because it mirrors what is shown, and it's hard for our brains to cope with that. Also, photos of us aren't mirrored, although the settings of smartphones are set to mirror as well (you can change it).

There's no need to say you are sorry if your words hurt. You have the right to share your thoughts and opinion.

 2 months ago 

I can only smile this time 😊😆😆😆 thank you and always be healthy

 2 months ago 

wahhhh... ini menggunakan cermin cembung apa cermin cekung....

Hahaha @wakeupkitty those reflections will leave the child wondering why she looks differently.

Nice. Look at yourself in a mirror before judging others...

 2 months ago 


yes maybe it is, some of us may be different and maybe we are better than them. but we are definitely one of those who made mistakes in the past. realize that we are not all here and there are definitely gaps for other people to judge. greetings @jalpasee

beautiful morning with a cup of black coffee. have you all had your coffee?

Wise words although I rather say life experiences instead of mistakes. Who decides what you do is a mistake?

No coffee here and no cigarettes either, take goid care of yourself, your health (what would we see if we only saw our inside in the mirror like a clear x-ray colours included? Better not think about that. 🤐)

The next monkey business is about dreams. Seems as if the brain never rest.

A happy day to you. I hope you are doing fine. I like your photo.
