Investment Education Such as Planting Trees and Caring for Plants
Everyone wants to have a brighter future than what they earn, so some of them work hard while saving. Work hard with patience to get beautiful results. Some of those who have capital also have a deep goal of getting bigger profits, most of them invest by investing their capital or assets in an instrument with the aim of getting bigger profits in the future.
Investing is like planting a tree because both require time to grow and care must always be taken with patience to obtain the results we invest. Everything needs a process to always ensure that it grows better and the important thing is to remain patient with what we do and wait for developments. Maybe some of the efforts don't always live up to expectations and some trees don't grow and some of them even die. If the tree we have planted does not produce results here perhaps we can plant some other trees with a more convincing feeling of their value. And become an asset for us in the future.
Fallen trees may not be able to stand again, but some withered trees may be green again and produce fruit that will be valuable in the future. Making investments such as planting trees with reforestation activities will be a long-term investment for the environment and our future.
It's not just a job that requires hard work, but investment also requires a lot of patience, like planting trees, which will be a long-term investment to create a better environment. Those who have capital will invest shares in a company and several others and those who do not have capital must do their work with full confidence and patience.
We can start from planting seeds or seedlings, after they grow from the seeds, small leaves will come out that grow from the seeds. After the seeds grow we need time to wait for them to grow taller by taking extra care, some plants have to be moved to other holes so they can grow better and optimally, after transplanting we will wait again until they adapt to nature. and grow taller. To make them greener we have to carry out proper care because the earlier we carry out maintenance the faster they will grow.
Investing is not as easy as we imagine because investing also requires a process like caring for plants which must be done in various ways. If we want them to grow well we have to water them and also provide fertilizer and cut off the parts that are not needed so they can grow well, it's not that easy because we also have to maintain the condition of the soil we plant them in.
Watering is done regularly, such as twice a day in the morning and evening. Water the plants regularly, for example in the morning and evening. Sometimes we also have to cut some parts that are dead or that are overlapping with others because pruning will also help the growth of the plant and can also prevent the spread of diseases that come
Pest control must be carried out to avoid disease and we must pay attention to pest control and do it immediately before disease attacks because it is better to avoid than to treat.
This is all I can write about this topic. Investing is the same as planting a tree which must be cared for wholeheartedly to get better results. Greetings to all.