What is "Peusijuek"?


Each region possesses a tradition that continues to be preserved as a legacy from ancestors. These traditions bear different names due to cultural influences, beliefs, and historical developments. In this post, I will delve into the tradition known as “Peusijuek.”

Peusijuek is a symbolic activity that seeks to obtain blessings. It is pertinent to inquire whether this tradition is passed down through generations within Acehnese society, which adheres to Islamic values and principles that govern its daily life.

This ceremonial event is held at a specific moment and holds significant importance, as it is expected to achieve its objectives and operate in accordance with expectations. Through prayer and divine assistance, it is hoped that protection and camaraderie will be established from the commencement of the event, for instance, through a thanksgiving celebration involving the provision of sustenance to visitors.

Numerous events are commonly held:

  1. Inauguration of a New Residence
  2. Wedding Reception
  3. Celebration of the 7th Month of Pregnancy
  4. Postpartum Period
  5. Circumcision Prior to the Entry into Puberty

In principle, the purpose of this is as I mentioned above. However, this tradition is gradually being abandoned in the social order due to cultural exchange factors. Nevertheless, some regions still uphold this tradition as a significant aspect of the life cycle.

The peusijuek procedure involves the preparation of several essential ingredients:

  1. Clean water
  2. Rice and paddy
  3. Leaves
  4. Eggs
  5. Gold
  6. Additional ingredients may be utilized based on the specific activity being undertaken.
  7. Sticky rice

Typically, clean water and gold are placed on a plate. Rice and paddy are combined in a separate plate. The selected leaves are placed together with clean water, as they serve the purpose of sprinkling on the intended object.
Religious leaders recite sacred verses from the Qur’an, exhaling their breath onto the media or materials. Subsequently, they sprinkle this mixture onto the object (e.g., the bride and groom, a constructed or previously constructed house, etc.). The religious leader also sprinkles rice and rice in a circular pattern on the face in a clockwise direction.

Prior to the commencement of the prayer, Sticky Rice is offered to the object or placed in a designated corner of the building or object where this procession and tradition are performed. Following the completion of the ceremony, the guests will be served a variety of food menus, which are determined at the event’s owner’s discretion.

Occasionally, the organizers host extravagant parties that span the entire day, accommodating thousands of guests. Conversely, in certain regions, intimate gatherings are organized, inviting only a select few close family members.

I personally experienced a similar scenario during my wedding a few years ago, as well as when my first and second children were born.

Indonesian, December 22, 2024

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