Announcement - Winners STEEM Investing Contest 9th Edition

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE4 years ago (edited)


The day the Contestants have been waiting for has arrived, now I will announce the winners of the 9th Edition of the STEEM Investment Contest. It should be reaffirmed to each contestant and potential contestants in the future, the essence of this contest is an effort to improve the consistency of Power-Ups made by Participants, prizes are only as a trigger for contestants' enthusiasm, and are not important indicators in this contest. For the next edition of Steem Investing and Power Up I will give a new prize in the form of Curation Submission to Booming for the 3 best contestants.


Based on the decision of the jury: @heriadi and @miftahuddin with reference to the amount of % Power Up, the following table contestants along with the largest Power Up Percentage.

Account Post
Before Power Up
Power Up
Total SP
% Power Up
aril.hatake573.35022.382595.7323.90%Verified Steem Education Member
barh3line354.344381.000735.344107.52%Verified Steem Education Member
ridwant794.37819.270813.6492.42%Verified Steem Education Member
mbemba2310727.88268.430796.3129.40%Verified Steem Education Member
zoelgood319.61245.747365.36314.31%Verified Steem Education Member
sampu772.495115.876888.37115.00%Verified Steem Education Member
The picture below is proof of prize distribution, both for the most Power Up presentations and Entertainment Prizes, all Contestants receive prizes even though the percentage is less.


I say congratulate all the contestants who have participated in my regular Power Up program, and I really hope for the support of the steemit team, namely Mr./ Mrs @steemcurator01 to be able to support the contestants whenever possible so that it will be able to influence the power Up culture to all users on this great Platform.

Wait for me in the next 8th edition of the Contest, I'm happy to see you here regularly doing Power Ups and taking part in the Contest.

 4 years ago 

Selamat kepada pemenang

 4 years ago 

Selamat kepada semua pemenang semoga semakin sukses

 4 years ago 

Lon Achievement 2 sampai 6 yg jeut verifikasi... 1 dan tinjauan tim Greeter yg jeut.

Bg @heriadi jeut verifikasi bg?

Long nak peuget post crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners'course task 1-6 jadi harus kaleuh verifikasi achievements ile untuk pendatang baru dan alumni untuk awak awai.

 4 years ago 

Jeut... Nyan gobnyan yg verifikasi

 4 years ago (edited)

kalheuh lon verifikasi keunong tegur karna hana memenuhi syarat tulong ganto foto perkenalan bak kertas tuleh tanggal 9 Mei 2021, perkenalan bek thon 2017,

Oke pak long post ulang jino.

 4 years ago 

edit manteng hana payah post ulang

Ka bereh pak, kaleuh lon edit.

Join jih thon pdit man ta tuleh pak?

 4 years ago 

9 mei 2021

 4 years ago 

2x mengikuti kontes, belum menjadi pemenang. mudah-mudahan sessi selanjutnya akan jadi sebagai pemenang.

 4 years ago 

Semoga akan jadi kandidat juara... Kami akan menyediakan hadiah lebih besar dengan dukungan booming

 4 years ago 

Terima kasih atas penghargaan ini untuk kami... Good luck contest dan tim penyelenggara, khususnya kanda @irawandedy

 4 years ago 

klo achievement sudah mati tanggal belum diverifikasi gimana caranya ?

 4 years ago 

Saya tidak bisa bantu pak krn sudah duluan di verifikasi oleh greeter Helper luar. Coba bapak komentar di postingan nya terbaru

 4 years ago 

Ok terimakasih infonya

 4 years ago 

Congratulations for all Winners...🎊🎉🎉🎉

 4 years ago 

Selamat untuk para pemenang
luar biasa power up na 👍