Official Report: Indonesian Meetup Global, September 8th, 2024

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE6 months ago (edited)

This payout will be use 100% to support the shortage budget of the Global Meetup, Aceh September 8th, 2024


Designed by; @irawandedy

As previously planned, the Indonesian global meetup was successfully implemented yesterday with a total of 86 participants and committee members were present at the Lancok tourist beach Bayu regency, North Aceh to enliven the event.

Here we report the meetup activities with the schedule of events that we held on September 8, 2024 starting with lunch with all the steemians who were present at the event. The official opening of the meetup event began at 14:00 by MC @firyfaiz. The official welcoming of participants as a marker that the meetup event had been officially began, the greeting to the meetup participants was carried out by @radjasalman as the representative of the committee.

The first event began with the introduction of the committee by @radjasalman, then continued with the introduction of the meetup participants one by one while sharing their respective experiences in the meetup event. Many interesting experiences were conveyed by the participants, both those who had just joined and those who had been on the steemit platform for a long time. The main question from the steemians was how to get support from the steemit team and develop themselves on this platform. So far, the participants have also had separate WhatsApp groups with different mentors as it is a mandatory of the recruiter to train the newbe to get familiar with the platform.

As the main event of this global meetup which carries the theme "Making the World to Smile with Steem" is to establish friendship and support each other between fellow steemians at the local and global levels. Through this knowledge sharing, many issues were revealed that made the steemians discouraged, it is mainly related to the lack of support they had received so far.

The next event was sharing about account security and procedures for securing both account and security of the devices used to prevent the unnecessary lost. The discussion of steemit account security was delivered by myself (el-nailul), in addition to account security, I also introduced several general tool functions on developed by @steemchiller. In this regard, it is known that there are still many steemians, especially newbeis, who do not understand the process of securing accounts and utilizing the tools available on I consider this very important to be given continuous guidance by the mentors who have been guiding them.

In addition to sharing account security, promosteem was also shared by @waterjoe, curation sharing and tricks to make posts more interesting by @irawandedy, @radjasalman, and @heriadi. Also continued by @walictd for the introduction of Photography. The beach cleaning event was the last event amidst the drizzle and cloudy weather.

The inhibiting factor for this global meetup was because the drizzle had been pouring since the noon, even in some areas the intensity of the rain was heavier so that some steemians could not attend the location.

Of course, in every gathering event like this, the most lively thing is the photo session together with banners and the moment of exchanging contact numbers between fellow steemians.

The event ended at 18:00 after the photo session at the event location and cleaning the location together. The success of this event would not be possible without the support of the steemit team and the steemians who supported the implementation of this global meetup on September 8, 2024.

The total budget spent on implementing this Meetup was IDR. 7,751,000 (3,370 STEEM). Until now, the shortage of this expense is Rp. 2,100,000 (913 STEEM). The action that will be taken to overcome this deficiency of budget is to power down the steemcoffee88 account and set the payout from this report and several other posts that will be carried out by the core committee. (The calculation is base on the rate of 2,300 IDR/Steem)

The following is a photo gallery of the global meetup activities held on September 8, 2024.:

Photos source are from myself, @sofian88, @walictd

This payout will be use 100% to support the shortage budget of the Global Meetup, Aceh September 8th, 2024

Best Regard


cc: @pennsif


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 6 months ago 

Sangat senang bisa bergabung kemaren pak. Semoga bisa bertemu lagi seperti ini. Sangat bermanfaat ilmu dan pengalaman yang bapak sampaikan kemaren. Sukses dan bahagia selalu untuk bapak sekeluarga.

 6 months ago 

Alhamdulillah… saya mewakili yang lain mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ibu safrida dan sahabat yang telah ikut dalam ajang silaturrahmi kita kemarin. Kehadirannya sangat berharga untuk terjalinnya ikatan di antara kita semua.

 6 months ago 

Sama-sama pak. Senang bisa bertemu langsung dengan anda dan teman yang lain.

 6 months ago 

Terima kasih banyak atas presentasi yang Anda berikan pada acara meet-up kemarin, saya mendapatkan ilmu yang belum pernah saya ketahui sebelumnya. Saya tidak menyangka dibalik keseriusan Anda, ada kelucuan juga mengalir didalamnya 👍🔥

 6 months ago 

Hahaha. Biarlah saya dicap sebagai pelawak, asalkan tidak melupakan hal-hal penting yang memang krusial untuk dibahas. Senang bisa bertemu dan berbagi ilmu bung @yuswadinisam.

 6 months ago 

Maksudnya bukan Anda yang pelawak bang, tetapi dalam penyampaian materi Anda masih bisa melucu. Terima kasih atas ilmunya dan saya juga senang bisa bertemu dengan bg @el-nailul. Semoga kapan-kapan kita bisa bertemu lagi sambil ngopi bareng

 6 months ago (edited)

Terimakasih banyak bang atas ilmu dan pencerahannya Minggu kemarin. Ilmu yang didapat sangat bermanfaat dari paparan yang anda paparkan.

Semoga tahun depan bisa mengikuti lagi acara seperti ini.

 6 months ago 

Sama-sama bang bahrol, nyoe lon na bak Aci AQF Panton Labu bang. jika ada kesempatan merepat bang kita ngopi cantik sambil buat postingan

 6 months ago (edited)

Posisi lon di jalan Blang Glumpang Lewat jalan paya cicem bang.

Meudeh sep pah bang, nyo bak rumoh acara juga. Na acara bacut di gampong.

Abang sih telat kabarinnya.