Teamwork vs. Individual Work (Which is better?)




It is a fact that many scholars over the years have debated on whether team work which centers on collaboration or individual work which centers on autonomy and self accountability brings about success easily.
Blessed be His infinite name for we are alive again so as to share knowledge and I give my sincere commendations to @shiftitamanna for bringing us here so as to unravel the topic Teamwork vs. Individual Work (Which is better?). I hope this contest shall put an end to the long debated topic "Two good heads are better than One".
At the during and at the end of this work we will be providing solutions to the following questions

Teamwork Vs Individual Work - Which Do You Prefer?What is the difference between teamwork and individual work?Which is more progressive between teamwork and individual work?Why team work is better than individual?

With the aim of making the work more easier, we will be unravelling the two concepts carefully so as to aid our future assumptions.



This refers to the process where two or more people come together to work with the aim of achieving a given goal. It involves division of labour, specialization, and some form of hierarchical system. Here, there exist shared responsibility and leveraging of different skills. A typical illustration could be seen in the NASA moon landing


This refers to the process where a given entity picks up the responsibility of running and managing an entity without seeking the assistance or contributions of a third party. It involves self discipline, self accountability and an high level of self discipline owing to the fact that he/she regulates his/her business. A typical example of this could be seen in Albert's Einstein Relativity theory as well as Robert Hooke's Theory.



Having considered the definition of these unique approaches of achieving a given goal, digesting and bisecting it's pros and cons, let me use my real life experience to solidify my choice. During my level 300 in the higher institution, I had an opportunity of doing two related courses which required a project work. While one was a group project of 5 people, the other was an individual project work and both were to be submitted on the same date.

I happened to be the group leader in my teamwork as well as the leader of my individual work. Doing the teamwork was not an easy task owing to factors such as individual differences among teammates, interest factor, time factor, among others. At the same time, this work was easy as members shared responsibilities, expensive, motivation and ideas.

At the same time doing my individual work was also tedious owing to the fact that I needed high level of self discipline to move out to work, the expensive was on me, creativity and the stress of specializing in all aspects were another big challenge. At the same time, working at my space, timing and without controversial contributions made it superb.

After the process, I was able to meet up with both projects at the said date. However, I discovered that the teamwork project paid exceedingly as I learned the ability of managing humans, spend less since other group members contributed their token, saved the stress of running around alone, increased my knowledge by tapping from group members idea etc. though individual work makes one a boss of it own, teamwork promotes a self of belonging and wider achievement so I prefer Team work to Individual work.



Teamwork requires division of labour and specialization while Individual work demands that the individual should specialize in all areas.

Team work saves cost as group members may need to contribute their tokens while individual work is expensive since all the loads lies on the individual involved

Team Work shares it risks among it members while Individual work pours all the risk on the individual

Teamwork enables the actualization of large projects I e, it's suitable for large projects while Individual work is effective in smaller projects

Individual work may leads to monopoly of power thus rendering some members useless while Individual work encourages autonomy and self discipline

Teamwork may leads to a conflict in agreement while Individual work is unity in nature and this eliminated conflict except self conflict which be managed easily

**Teamwork consist many people individual work involves a certain individual""


From my experiences, especially the story I related earlier, the teamwork comes with series of setbacks especially in regards individual differences, interest and priority which may tends to affect it progressive. In the other way round the individual work may also have setbacks especially when the individual lacks self motivation, extrinsic motivation from group members and the finance to manage the entity.

Going by this, with a good team spirit, the Teamwork progresses faster as group members likely serves as Extrinsic motivation for each others.


As stated earlier, Teamwork is better due to the following reasons

Less stress due to division of labour
Economy effective since members shares the load
Risk is manageable since it's shared among members
Speedy progress due to extrinsic motivation from members
Wider achievement due to wider knowledge contribution from members
Expansion in Knowledge as members learn from each others
Promotes Spirit of unity as members work in collaboration
Enhances virtues such as Tolerance, Love, Peace, Unity which inturns plays a significant role in the development of the society

Permit me to draw the curtains as I invite the following Steemians to please share in their views


Let's always embrace Teamwork especially when navigating complex situations.

 8 days ago 

Less stress because of teamwork? Ever asked around how all those forced working with a lousy team feel? At school for starters and out of experience I can tell you that my present teammate and I experienced a lot of stress because of former teammates. So this statement of yours makes no sense and is based on? Your experience only? I like to hear what exactly you do or did (a list with different tasks where teamwork is required) that made teamwork so much easier for you (or did the rest of the team do the work?).

Risk is manageable? If it comes to a team there's always someone in charge or pointed as the spokesman or leader. If it goes wrong the team blames that person: great example the football coach, and for sure at schools it works the same. All students will blame the one who has to keep the overview. No way all teammembers are equal unless you are able to divide the tasks and are with hard workers only which can be trusted to do their task which is rarely the case.

eamwork enables the actualization of large projects I e, it's suitable for large projects while Individual work is effective in smaller projects

What a nonsense. There are plenty of small tasks done by more than one person for example doing the dishes or taking care of the household or the garden or taking care of the dog in turn.

Expansion is knowledge? Only if all have knowledge which is rarely the case if we look at schools.

I could write more but I have work to do.
All the best with or without a team.

clubstatus: club5050

I really appreciate your critique. You've talked about the things I said mostly in a myopic angle, you've attributed part of my contributions as nonsense that's cool.

However, for clarification and record purposes, think about the stress and time it would take ten people in preparing a dish compared to one person then you will see how stress free and stressful there are

In terms of managing other group members so as to enhance maximum output, I find joy in it thus making it more interesting.

Expansion in knowledge is untouched as my experience alone won't yield what myself and others would.

However, thanks so much for expanding my knowledge on this. You see, together we've gotten a wider coverage.

 5 days ago 

Sebenarnya kinerja dalam sebuah team itu tergantung dari atasannya. Jadi, selama atasan mengarahkannya dengan baik. Maka semua akan baik baik saja. Semoga beruntung kawan