The diary game:-I find true joy in work. A busy day.(14/01/2025)


Hello friends,
I am @bidyut01. A Bengali blogger. Starting today's blog with my best wishes to everyone.

Today is Wednesday. January 15, 2025 Eng.




Dear friends, Yesterday I woke up early in the morning. Then I washed my whole face and both hands thoroughly with lukewarm water. Then I cleaned the teeth nicely inside my mouth. Because it is important to keep teeth and mouth clean to stay healthy.I drank a few glasses of pure water after brushing my teeth. Then spent some time at home. Because I was suffering from cold and fever. Due to which I could not go for physical exercise in the morning.In the morning I ate some ripe bananas and some latex dates. Then went for a walk to the pond in my field. After spending some time at the pond in the field I came home and quickly got myself ready for school. I had breakfast before going to school.


I took medicine like paracetamol after having breakfast. Then came to my school on time and signed the attendance book. Then at 10:15 am our school assembly class started. I attended the assembly class.I sang the National Anthem with all the students and teachers in the assembly class. Then the oath was recited to our students. So that they are instilled with patriotism and moral character from now on. After the assembly class all the students went to their classrooms.



My School Location

Then five teachers went to five classrooms of sixth to tenth class of our school for the purpose of teaching. I taught English Grammar in class six. I discussed tenses in English grammar with all my students.At the same time, I tried to give the students a complete idea about the present tense, past tense and future tense. So that they can acquire more proficiency in English grammar and make themselves proficient in English.Besides discussing tenses, I wrote different types of sentences on the blackboard in the class room to make it easy for all my students to understand. I taught a whole hour on English grammar. My students were more than happy to learn about tenses.





My School Location

I came to the office after completing my teaching program. Then I drank a cup of tea. Then a craft competition started with all our students. Many students participated in this competition.In this competition, four teachers and two madams along with me served as judges. All the students who participated in the competition created very beautiful things out of colored paper and clay. A student made flowers and wallmats out of colored paper.


My School Location

Some students made idols out of clay, some students made mud houses out of mud, and some other students made boats out of mud. I was really impressed by the beautiful creativity of all my students.It was undoubtedly much more difficult for us to conquer one of them. Because everyone performed very well. In the end I gave the highest marks on my part to the architecture of mud river and riverside houses.Then finally my favorite architecture won first place.



My School Location

Then we gave some advice to all the students participating in the competition. So that they get encouragement and motivation to do better things in future. The most interesting thing was that there were prizes for everyone who participated in the craft competition.Every student who participated in the competition was overjoyed when we handed over the prizes. At the same time they got much more motivation to do good things in the future.
Then all school activities ended at 2:30 PM.After school activities we all headed home. Then came home and had lunch and rested for a while. Then spent some time with family members and ate paracetamol tablets.Then I worked on the Steemit platform for about an hour and a half continuously. Wrote an important diary game and read several others' posts and made constructive comments.




In the afternoon I went to my neighbor's house to buy eggs. A neighbor of mine owns a chicken feed and I occasionally buy eggs from there. Boiled eggs are very good to eat in current winter season and boiled eggs are very beneficial for our body.So I bought thirty eggs from my neighbor's chicken feed. 30 eggs cost only $2.60. Brought the eggs home and kept them in my fridge. Then went to the field pond to feed my pond fish.




I gave each of my pond fish floating food. As soon as the floating food was given in the pond, the fish started eating the food. I put the floating food in the pond little by little and every now and then. All fish can catch and eat floating foods. After feeding the fish I went to my vegetable garden to collect some vegetables.





First we went to the radish vegetable garden. I collected large and thick radish vegetables from the radish vegetable garden. The moment to collect such fresh vegetables from your own vegetable garden was much more joyful. I collected radish vegetables according to the needs of my family.After harvesting radish vegetables I went to my carrot vegetable garden. I collected relatively thick carrots from the carrot vegetable garden. Then I went home with the carrot and radish vegetables and washed the vegetables thoroughly with clean water.




In the evening my sickness increased comparatively. Especially colds and fevers increased a lot. So after evening I went to a homeopathy doctor in our village. Then I bought the medicine from the doctor. I bought medicines for cold and fever for a total of 600 rupees.At the same time, the homeopathic doctor gave me some special advice, especially to take care not to get cold in my body and to avoid eating all kinds of cold food. Besides, he said to take the medicines as per the rules.
I came home after consulting a homeopathy doctor and taking medicine. Then had dinner and took medicine. After dinner I worked on the Steemit platform for a while. Also worked on my facebook and twitter.Then finished all the activities and went to bed to sleep. And that was my important work of the past day.


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Post description.

ClassThe diary game
Make post by#bidyut01

My achievement-1

My identity



My name is MD. Nazibul Islam (Bidyut). I am a citizen of Bangladesh and I am a person of very little knowledge. I live in a small village in Meherpur district. I launched on the Steemit platform in August 2021. My steemit id name is (#bidyut01).My main profession is teaching and also fish farming. My family has 8 members in total. The head of my family is my father and mother.My favorite activities are drawing, making origami of anything, making different types of recipes, writing poetry, traveling and photography. And whenever I get a chance, I love to watch old movies.
Dear friends, Thank you very much for reading my post today.



Curated by : @miftahulrizky

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