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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Curators - 6 Steem


Saya penasaran dengan sc01 dan 02, apa mereka ini memberi dukungan kepada siapa saja tanpa harus memilih.

Bagaimana caranya ataupun apa yang harus kita lakukan biar mereka selalu datang ke tempat kita.


I liked your curiosity. And if I share my thoughts, Not only you but everyone is curious about SC01 and SC02.

But here I'd like to ask you a question. Suppose you were in the role of SC01 or 02, would you only support a select few by voting for them? Certainly not.

They would surely prefer to visit quality posts without any bias.

The answer to your 2nd question is that 'no matter how much effort we do, it's not necessary for SC01 or 02 to always vote on our posts'. Because they have to visit many posts on a large platform, and as I think, they are also aware that they sometimes miss to support many quality posts.

 7 months ago 

Jadi saya harus sabar menunggu kedatangan mereka di postingan saya, serta tidak datang datang setiap saat.

No, my friend, you don't have to wait. Waiting is a very tiring task.

Instead, shine so bright with your excellent content that it attracts the curators' attention towards you!

I wish your success and growth on steemit .

 7 months ago 

Akan saya kerjakan apa yang bisa. Semoga bintang saya akan bersinar di saat tiba waktunya, sukses selalu untuk anda.

 7 months ago (edited)

I am afraid that always is impossible just like anyone who upvotes or curators (you and me) time is limited and there's no computer searching for content.

Being noticed, engagement is important. I no longer post everywhere for different reasons. To mention some:

  1. The community makes me feel uncomfortable
  2. My niche does not fit to the face expressed by the community
  3. My post will go unnoticed or end up on a pile of content I don't like to seen/associatedted with.
  4. I do not like the contests and all the restrictions
  5. There's no fun and nothing to read/see

So my question is: Where do you like to be?
Find your place and you'll see it affects you in a positive way. If you join the right people you might be easily noticed and receive a rewarding upvote.


 7 months ago 

Banar sekali yang anda katakan, tidak semua tempat melihat kita, kadang kala ada tempat yang melihat kita namun sering juga diri ini mengabaikannya, pada hal mereka sudah memperdulikannya, namun ada rasa risau di pikiran ini, apakah ini di pedulikan atau pura-pura dilihat saja.

Tapi di suatu saat nanti dimana diri ini di terima, maka jiwa ini pun akan berlabuh disana dengan jangkar yang menancap ketanah.

Mungkin lingkarannya terlalu kecil karena kurangnya waktu untuk mencari atau membaca perubahan nama-nama yang ditampilkan 🤔