My village in ten pics || Amazing ten pics.[6-12-2024]


Everyone. l am @anowarhoussain
From #Bangladesh December,6-12-2024

  • A beautiful day
  • December, 6-12-2024

Assalamu Alaikum my dear friends how are you all? I hope you all are doing well by the grace of Allah. And living a very beautiful life. Alhamdulillah I am also very well with the grace of Allah Pak. Today I am in the "STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" community through ten photos of the beauty of my village and what profession the people of the village do. Also I am going to share with you how normal people live in the village. I hope you will like it so let's start.



In the first picture I shared, Ina's main occupation is farming and growing various crops on her own land. A lowly farmer in Inipesha looking at this picture can see that this man is very skillfully sowing the seeds of the crop in his own land so that after a few days. Seedlings grow from those seeds. And this person lives a very ordinary life.



The picture I shared this time. This man with his own bicycle and a medicine machine is going to the crop field because his land is attacked by various insects and to protect his crops from those insects. His crops should be sprayed with the help of this machine. Then his crops will be protected from insects and this work has to be done very efficiently because the sprayed drugs have to face serious damage if they enter the human stomach.



As the rivers of the rural areas increase the beauty, the rivers of the rural areas also fulfill the needs and food of the unemployed and helpless people. Because when the tide comes in the river, along with the water, many kinds of fish come to the river and the common people catch fish from there and determine their livelihood because of us. And the village people are very poor and destitute who make their living only by fishing and going to the river bank in the afternoon. It is very nice to go around with wooden boats.



The one you can see in this picture. He is a farmer by profession. His main job is to bring different varieties to his own land. Gourd is one of the most popular vegetables. Gourd is a favorite food among people in rural areas. It has a lot of popularity. Enna has grown many gourds in the land and is returning home with the gourds. And by selling that gourd in the market, he fulfills his food and other needs.



The one you can see in this picture is a hardworking farmer by profession. Ena's main job is to cultivate only paddy in her own land and when the paddy is ripe, she saves the clean paddy from the field and carries it home on her head. And this work has to be done with a lot of hard work which by looking at this picture you will understand how hard the people of rural areas are and how hard they work just to meet their food needs.



The people you can see in this picture. They work as daily wage workers. With their bicycles they are looking for different types of work. Wandering people mainly work on other people's crops because they don't have their own land to cultivate, so they go to other people's crops and work all day and earn very little in return. After finishing work they return home before evening with some grass for their cattle, cows and goats and they lead a very simple life as you can understand from this picture.



Now I have shared a picture of a very beautiful place in my village. It is really nice to spend some time in the green nature under the open sky in the fields of village area and seeing such a beautiful sky view is beyond words. Because only people in rural areas can enjoy such a beautiful moment of the sky in the midst of green nature. Because many big buildings in rural areas do not have roads. Due to which it is really nice to enjoy this kind of scenery in the midst of the empty and green nature around.



People in rural areas are now cultivating a large number of bananas in addition to growing a variety of crops because there is a huge demand for bananas in rural areas. Also, bananas in rural areas are grown in a very national environment, due to which there are many bananas in rural areas. It has gained popularity and also banana contains various nutrients which are very important for human body and now the village farmers are benefiting a lot by cultivating banana and their You can determine the livelihood.



The person you can see in this picture is an Emmit by profession. The main job of the farmer is to bring different types of layer chickens to his own farm. After feeding them very skillfully and with great care, when they are fattened, they are sold in the market and meet the needs of a man in the village. By observing he can meter all the expenses in his own family but this person likes to live a simple life.



The last picture I shared is of a hardworking farmer. You can see this man very skillfully planting rice seedlings in his own land. And when these rice seedlings grow up, he will plant them in another land and later after nurturing those seedlings slowly. When the transformation of paddy is done, the paddies are saved from the land. He will meet his food needs anyway I have tried to highlight the beauty of my village and the standard of living of some common farmers through this post. And I have tried to highlight how the people of the village live normally, I hope you will like them. May Allah bless you all and stay healthy.

