The Diary Game: 22/02/2025 Tangail to Syedpur for office work.


My Diary

Date - 22 February 2024.


Cover photo

Ashsalamu Alaykum

How are you all hope you all are fine I am fine by the grace of Allah all my love and best wishes from the bottom of my heart today I am going through the busy time of my office Wake up in the morning and go to the station My home town is Tangail I am living in Syedpur due to work I came to Tangail at night for office work waiting to return from Ankel to Syedpur so I woke up in the morning and went to the station and waiting for the train.


Our station is equipped with many advanced technologies. After finishing work at the station, I boarded the train My day went by at a fast pace with the sound of the train making the mind more cheerful After running for a long time, my train came to Abdulpur and stopped for the crossing. I got down and looked around.


After six hours of journey, our train finally reached Syedpur, I rushed to the office with the office stuff from the train There were several items of office which I went to our office to convey to the office. It was almost evening


After explaining the goods, I came home. I was very tired when I came home. I took a night bath and freshened up and had dinner.Then got ready for sleep it was tiresome and busy time with my whole day journey and office work.Everyone will be fine and healthy. Until now, God bless you

Locationtangail to,saidpur
DeviceTecno spark 20pro+

This was my daily diary