Power of Passion that Brings Dreams to Reality

Act 1

Shadia gazed out of the window of her apartment, overlooking the busy streets of Ajegun City. The city was a melting pot of cultures, languages, and lifestyles, where people hustled and bustled to make a living. Shadia loved the city, but she also felt suffocated by it. She longed for a change, a chance to pursue her passion for sustainable fashion. She had been dreaming of opening her own boutique for years, but she never had the courage or the resources to do it. ![_6d8526e2-e9f6-4718-8bf0-51bbb60eaa5c.jpeg]()

She turned her attention back to her laptop, where she had been working on her business plan for the past hour. She had done extensive research on the market, the suppliers, the customers, and the competitors. She had a clear vision of what she wanted to create: a cozy and chic shop that offered eco-friendly and ethically-made clothing and accessories. She had even picked out a name for it: Green Threads.

She smiled as she typed in the final details of her plan, feeling a surge of excitement and pride. She was almost ready to present it to Dami, her long-term partner and the sole provider of their lavish lifestyle. Dami was a successful finance executive who worked for a multinational corporation. He was smart, handsome, and generous, but he was also demanding, controlling, and possessive. He expected Shadia to be his perfect trophy girlfriend, always ready to accompany him to his social events, business trips, and expensive vacations. He had no interest in Shadia's career aspirations, and he often dismissed them as childish fantasies.

Shadia heard the door slam and knew that Dami was home. She quickly saved her file and closed her laptop, hoping that he wouldn't notice what she had been doing. She greeted him with a forced smile and a peck on the cheek, but he barely acknowledged her. He threw his briefcase on the couch and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Hey, babe, how was your day?" Shadia asked, following him.

"Fine," he said curtly.

"Anything interesting happen at work?"


Shadia sighed inwardly. She knew that he was in one of his moods again. She decided to try a different approach.

"So, I have something to tell you," she said casually.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding bored.

"I've been working on something for a while now, and I think it's time to share it with you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

Shadia took a deep breath and prepared to tell him about her business plan. She hoped that he would be supportive and proud of her, but she also feared that he would be angry and dismissive. She wondered if he would ever understand her dreams or respect her choices. She wondered if she would ever be happy with him or with herself.

She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Sorry, babe, I have to take this," he said, walking away from her.

Shadia watched him go with a sinking feeling in her chest. She felt a pang of resentment and frustration. She felt like she was always second to his work, his friends, his hobbies. She felt like she was wasting her life with him.

She closed her eyes and wished for a miracle. She wished for something or someone to come into her life and change everything. Little did she know that her wish was about to come true in the most unexpected way.

Act 2

Shadia walked into the conference room, clutching her laptop and a folder of documents. She was nervous but excited. She was about to pitch her business idea to a group of potential investors, who could make or break her dream of opening her own boutique. She had been preparing for this moment for weeks, with the help of her mentor, Ronk.

Ronk was a seasoned entrepreneur who had founded several successful businesses in various sectors. He was also a friend of Shadia's father, who had introduced them when he learned about Shadia's passion for sustainable fashion. Ronk had taken an interest in Shadia's project and offered to mentor her. He had taught her everything he knew about business, from finance to marketing to management. He had also encouraged her to believe in herself and her vision.

Shadia smiled as she saw Ronk sitting in the front row, giving her a thumbs up. He had been her guiding light in her pursuit of independence. He had also become a close friend and confidant, someone she could trust and rely on. She felt a warm feeling in her chest as she looked at him. She wondered if he felt the same way about her. ![_0edffd29-e964-4539-9ff6-00d53b2d732e.jpeg]()

She shook off the thought and focused on the task at hand. She plugged in her laptop and started her presentation. She introduced herself and her brand, Green Threads, explaining the concept and the mission behind it. She showed some samples of her products, highlighting their quality, style, and eco-friendliness. She presented her market analysis, showing the demand and the potential for growth in the sustainable fashion industry. She outlined her business plan, detailing the costs, the revenues, and the profits. She ended with a call to action, asking the investors to join her in making a positive impact on the world through fashion.

She looked at the investors expectantly, hoping for a positive response. She was met with silence and blank stares. She felt a pang of anxiety as she waited for their feedback.

One of the investors cleared his throat and spoke.

"Thank you for your presentation, Miss Shadia," he said politely. "It was very...interesting."

He paused and exchanged glances with his colleagues.

"However, we have some concerns about your proposal," he continued.

"Such as?" Shadia asked, trying to sound confident.

"Well, for one thing, we are not sure if there is a viable market for your products," he said. "Sustainable fashion sounds nice in theory, but do people really care about it? Do they really want to pay extra for clothes that are made from recycled materials or organic cotton?"

Shadia felt a surge of indignation.

"Of course they do," she said firmly. "More and more people are becoming aware of the environmental and social issues caused by fast fashion. They are looking for alternatives that are better for the planet and for themselves. They are willing to pay for quality and value, not just quantity and cheapness."

She pointed to her market analysis, showing the statistics and trends that supported her claim.

The investor nodded slightly, but he did not look convinced.

"Okay, let's say there is some demand for your products," he said. "But how do you plan to compete with the established brands that already dominate the industry? How do you plan to differentiate yourself from them?"

Shadia smiled confidently.

"That's easy," she said. "I plan to differentiate myself by offering a unique customer experience that combines online and offline elements. My customers will be able to browse my products online, order them through my website or app, and have them delivered to their homes or offices within 24 hours. They will also be able to visit my physical store, where they can touch, feel, and try on my products in a cozy and chic environment. They will also be able to interact with me and my staff, who will provide them with personalized advice and recommendations based on their preferences and needs."

She showed some mock-ups of her website, app, and store design, illustrating her vision.

The investor raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds ambitious," he said. "But also expensive. How do you plan to finance all this? How much capital do you need? And how do you plan to repay it?"

Shadia took a deep breath.

"I need 50 million naira to start my business," she said boldly. "I have already secured 10 million naira from my personal savings and from my mentor's contribution. I am here today to ask you for the remaining 40 million naira."

She showed her financial projections, showing how she would break even in two years and generate profits in three years.

The investor shook his head.

"That's too much money," he said bluntly. "We are not willing to invest that much in such a risky venture."

He looked at his colleagues and they nodded in agreement.

"We are sorry, Miss Shadia," he said apologetically. "But we have to decline your offer. Thank you for your time and good luck with your project."

He closed his laptop and stood up, signaling the end of the meeting.

Shadia felt a wave of disappointment and frustration wash over her. She had worked so hard to prepare for this pitch, and she had failed. She felt like her dream was slipping away from her.

She gathered her things and walked out of the room, feeling defeated. She saw Ronk waiting for her outside, his face full of concern.

He hugged her and whispered in her ear.

"Don't worry, Shadia," he said soothingly. "This is not the end. It's just the beginning. You have a great idea and a great passion. You just need to find the right people who will appreciate it and support it. I'm here for you. We'll make it happen together."

He kissed her softly on the cheek, making her feel a spark of hope and gratitude.

She smiled weakly and thanked him.

He took her hand and led her to his car.

"Come on," he said cheerfully. "Let's go celebrate."

"Celebrate?" she asked, confused.

"Yes, celebrate," he said. "You just made your first pitch. That's a big achievement. You should be proud of yourself."

He opened the door for her and helped her get in.

He got in the driver's seat and started the engine.

He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye.

"Besides, I have a surprise for you," he said mysteriously.

He drove away, leaving Shadia wondering what he had in store for her.

Act 3

Shadia smiled as she cut the ribbon and opened the door of her new store. It was the grand opening of her second boutique, located in a prime spot in the city center. She had worked hard to secure this location, negotiating with the landlord, renovating the space, and hiring new staff. She had also invested in new equipment, such as a sewing machine, a mannequin, and a display rack. She was proud of her achievement and eager to welcome her customers.

She looked around and saw a crowd of people waiting outside, ready to enter her store. She recognized some of them as her loyal customers, who had followed her since her first boutique. She also saw some new faces, who had heard about her brand through word-of-mouth or social media. She greeted them warmly and invited them in.

She watched as they browsed through her products, admiring their quality, style, and eco-friendliness. She heard them complimenting her designs, asking for her advice, and thanking her for her service. She saw them leaving with bags full of her products, smiling and satisfied. She felt a surge of joy and gratitude.

She looked at the wall and saw a framed article from a popular fashion magazine, featuring her as one of the rising stars of the sustainable fashion industry. She had been interviewed by the magazine a few weeks ago, after winning an award for her innovative and impactful business model. She had shared her story, her vision, and her mission with the magazine, hoping to inspire others to follow their passions and make a difference in the world.

She looked at the counter and saw Ronk standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers. He was her partner, not only in business but also in life. He had been by her side since the beginning, supporting her, encouraging her, and loving her. He had also helped her grow her business, using his expertise and connections to find new investors, suppliers, and customers. He had also helped her balance her work and life, making sure she took care of herself and enjoyed some fun and relaxation.

He walked over to her and hugged her.

"Congratulations, Shadia," he said proudly. "You did it."

He kissed her softly on the lips, making her feel a spark of love and happiness.

He handed her the flowers and said.

"These are for you."

She took the flowers and smelled them.

"They are beautiful," she said. "Thank you."

He smiled and said.

"There's more."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

He opened it and showed her a ring.

It was a simple but elegant ring, made from recycled gold and adorned with a small diamond.

He looked into her eyes and said.

"Shadia, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my inspiration, my partner, my soulmate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Shadia gasped and felt tears in her eyes.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Yes," she said. "Yes, I will marry you."

He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her again.

They hugged each other tightly, feeling their hearts beat as one.

They heard applause and cheers from their customers, staff, friends, and family who had witnessed their proposal.

They turned around and saw them clapping and congratulating them.

They smiled and thanked them.

They felt overwhelmed by their love and support.

They felt blessed by their success and happiness.

They felt proud of their journey and their transformation. ![_8703965f-7973-463c-864b-b3d1a9be830a.jpeg]()

They felt free from their past and ready for their future.

They felt like they had achieved their dreams and found their place in the world.


Interesting and motivating piece