Puzzle Fighter Sparring! Let's level up! | !el | !ra

in DAGamers9 days ago

ddrfr33k is live on Twitch streaming Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

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Hello there! I'm taking a brief break from Persona 3 FES tonight for something fun. My buddy Foxxo is joining me for some Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo! After my 2nd place finish at CRT Sanctum, I wanted to show off a bit and teach. I was going to do a demo with BigBadWolfMN, the leader of Retro Black Sheep. Sadly, logistics got in the way and he was unable to make it. So now it's just Foxxo and I! We're going to talk about the game, how to play, basic strategies, etc. And we're going to play ranked while we do it, levelling up in the process!

You should totally follow Retro Black Sheep over on Twitch, by the way. They're doing another Puzzle Fighter 2 tournament at the end of the month!

If you're not part of The House of Dancing Arrows discord, come join in: https://discord.gg/YzDxDRK

By the way, you can always type "!ra" into chat to get a link to my RetroAchievements profile. You should go follow me on there if you haven't yet!

live stream is posted using https://dagamers.xyz

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