Is it possible to reprogram our minds?
Is it possible to reprogram our mind?
Yes, it is possible
Yes, it is possible
I would like to erase all my bad habits and insert in the subconscious mental programs that lead me to success in all areas of life, in health I would change my sedentary lifestyle and I would become an active woman of those who have toned bodies and looks perfect in any occasion. In family, friends, or couple relationships I would like to eliminate family disputes caused mostly by money, in exchange for a united family that supports each other in difficult times, I would like to have more friends to count on and help when they ask for it and have a loving relationship full of commitment, love, union, and common goals. Personally, I would like to stop procrastinating and study to develop my ability to be bilingual and finally master a second language, return to musical skills and play my old instruments. Financially I would like to be financially free to stop depending on others, to have an income that allows me to live comfortably and to be able to provide for the needs of my loved ones, to invest my earnings in good projects and above all to have space for recreation to travel and enjoy family vacations, to discover I want to go to new places and meet new cultures and people.
All that I would like to eliminate and add to my life, however, there are studies and techniques that claim that we can make a mental change of our inconsistent patterns and reprogram our minds for success. One of them is the one I want to share in this post.
I have read that bad habits cannot be eliminated, but they can be replaced by new habits that we want to adopt and the first must be focused on our own language, that voice that always accompanies us and is with us at all times.
Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay
What is the technique to reprogram the mind?
There are many techniques, but this is the most common one to listen to your own voice telling you what you want to achieve or what you want to become, for example:
- I am a successful person.
- I focus on achieving my goals.
- I am organized.
- I am happy.
- My life always gives me money.
- Money always comes back to me.
- I move forward to a successful and prosperous future.
- I always generate income.
- My income increases every day.
- I am an excellent money manager.
- I create the exact level of my financial prosperity.
- My money works for me and I make more and more money.
- I think big and want to help millions of people.
- I have a millionaire mind.
- I am healthy.
- I am loving.
- I am as healthy and perfect as I was created.
These phrases are what I have recorded in my own voice to be inserted into my mind and my life.
When is the right time to reprogram the mind?
When we are waking up or sleeping, at that moment where we are very relaxed is the perfect time to bombard the mind with the things we want, I made my audio and I plan to use it in an Mp3 device to have it near the bed and when I open my eyes to place that audio with my beautiful voice, as it is better than on a cell phone because it is not recommended to leave it in the room because of the radio frequency waves that emit.
Without more to share, I hope this tool is useful and we put it into practice. If you liked what you just read or want to add something of value, a recommendation, you can do it through a comment that I will be pleased to answer you.

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