Why is Your Success Story Not Viral?
You need to believe more in yourself, you can imagine that you can ride sharks, lions, that you can breed a big whale in the Blockchain Ocean. There are no impossible things, there is only a chance to stay much more successful and richer, that chance is not in the outside world it is in your way of thinking, your beliefs and your value system.
Only those who are persistent reach the goal.
It’s time for us all to become a powerful Steem team together, that’s what I believe in, that’s what we all need now.
Your future begins now, with your decision that Steem is a part of your life.
Steem On
We Win Together
One Mission
One Goal
See you at the top
Welcome to the Telegram Group on live business classes - Creative Millionaires https://t.me/joinchat/8vzzUQqdjeE4NzQ0
Original post by @dobartim
Welcome to the Money project: https://noise.cash/u/dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dobartim1
Image Source: Pixabay.com
Great post 🔥
There is lots of thing to learn from this post
Such as If anyone want to become viral,success,
than he|she must have the following qualities.
=>Believe in her|his self
=>Have a potential of success
=>Have a patience
=>being creative
=>wait for the right time
=>Don't miss the opportunity
=>Be aware of every new trend
=>up-to-date yourself
Welcome to Steemit
Congratulations @dobartim
I have selected this as the

most positive
post amongst top 100 hot posts on steemit at this moment.¡Excelente! Como siempre, usted dando clases con altura
Thank you very much @dobartim. you have encouraged me to never give up. i also call upon all steemians never to lose focus on the real reason we joined steemit.