Pedigree of Life

in Steem Schools4 months ago
We achieve magical goals and increase knowledge to the stars, the love game has become more beautiful and faster in modern paradise. We learn karma lessons and do good work in all interactions with nature, beautiful energy circulates through every organism.


We create reality with the unlimited potential of intelligence, consciousness is a boundless category connected with the ether of the universe. Happiness plays on the podium of emotions and fills every wish we find ourselves in the sea of connections.

Desires are great and grow with years of youth, enthusiasm springs from the volcano of passion with which we conquer all. The break of light creates the colour of the rainbow on the horizon of happiness, and successful substances come with the imagination of synergy.

We are progressing with errors and virtues, we realize and lose friendships and profit from the gambling rules of this world. The laws of the universe are just karmic records, each entitled to determine the incredible movement of personal destiny.


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One Mission
One Goal
See you at the top

Original post by @dobartim
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