Fiery Touches
We sleep on the borders of failure, discontent is the main force of fear that paralyzes your movement towards the top. We are moving through the rainforest of information in the fog of illusion and reality, we erase the past mistakes with the wise sayings of the prophets.
Monotonous days are repeated; I see people doing the same jobs. The meaning of life is to do more, to use our maximum potential while growing. It's given us the time to use it wisely and start a new chapter in our incredible life.
We drink the fire while burning bad habits, we are transforming the juices of the universe into a cup of fate with which we conquer new destinations. Fierce resistance passes through the crises of the mind, thoughts struggling to become a new life paradigm.
We Win Together
One Mission
One Goal
See you at the top
Original post by @dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools
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