Behind Every Problem is Success - Become a Master of Problem Solving

in Steem Schools3 years ago
Risks - opportunities of strength, this is the way we should look every time we decide on business success. There are unforeseen risks, there are risks that we can predict in advance, the point is to remove fear when deciding our destiny. Reality is what we decide to be, today we decide what our future will be. A lot of people don't have money for food, you don't have to let it get to the bottom, you have to prepare for success every day. Life is a gift that you should use to create good deeds, for success that you will pass on to others. Problems are just obstacles that we need to overcome to get to the next level, they never disappear and always come as a new challenge, you think of problems as the development of your life path. Many times I was stuck on a problem, I thought my career was over, once I found myself with $ 200,000 in debt, everything went down so fast that I didn’t know what had happened to me. From that life lesson it took me a long time to find strength again and move forward, now I know that the problem is an integral part of life and that is why I am preparing for the new challenges I have on the path to my life success.


A life without risk can only reach mediocrity, if we want to achieve an extraordinary life then we must take action without fear. When you see a problem, give him a smile because behind it is a door that leads us to the next level, that's what we look forward to, that's what we want in life. We can be happy when we want to, it is the state of our mind, we decide how we will live, with whom we will share our dreams and visions, with whom we will go to lunch, with whom we will share business successes.

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Only those who are persistent reach the goal.

It’s time for us all to become a powerful Steem team together, that’s what I believe in, that’s what we all need now.

Your future begins now, with your decision that Steem is a part of your life.

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One Mission
One Goal
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See you on the top @dobartim
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Nice post, I’m at break time on my work and feeling motivated to go back and do what I have to do. Thank you very much sir.

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Thank you.
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😢 Please.

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Investments and great activity

good job @dobartim! Keep up your good work. That will inspired to a lot people in our community.


It takes persistence and perseverance. Another nice post. Thank you.

You are welcome

Excelente escrito de verdad me han ayudado mucho a ver las cosas de manera distinta ..muchas gracias 😊


Desearía saber que debo hacer para ser considerada miembro de la comunidad @dobartim

You are welcome

Bonitas palabras de animo y de empuje a cualquiera que las lea, nunca habia leido a un fundador de una conumidad decir que quiere que todos debemos crecer juntos en steem, me unire, espero comtar con tu apoyo en mis publicaciones.

Nice words of encouragement and encouragement to anyone who reads them, I have never read a community founder say that he wants us all to grow together in steem, I will join, I hope to share with your support in my publications.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-13 at 8.27.48 PM.jpeg

Excelente publicación y en lo personal, me sentí muy identificada porque en los grandes logros que he obtenido, antes de alcanzar el éxito, me ha tocado caerme y darme miles de golpes que aunque en ciertos momentos me llevaron a pensar en abandonar, mi coraje fue más fuerte y me mantuve hasta lograr lo que me había proyectado.

Me ha encantado tener una historia así porque de cada problema, he aprendido a valorar más el éxito una vez lo obtengo

SALUDOS, See you at the top

Wake Up in the morning and read your post, it motivate me.. Thanks @dobartim for make good motivation for all of us..

You are welcome