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RE: The Fiery Desire Springs From a Volcano of Enthusiasm - The Winners are Born Through Smart Work

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Wow, ini betul tulisan yang memberi inspirasi, semangat dan tantangan. Saya perlu belanjar banyak di sini, untuk menulis di steem schools, apa lagi ketika di sebut, "Tidak ada jalan yang mudah, tidak ada jalan yang sulit, ada jalan yang harus Anda lalui", mungkin waktu harus saya kejar dan berguru di sini, kalau di izinkan. Sukses selalu untuk anda.


English Please

Wow, this is truly an inspiring, enthusiastic and challenging article. I need to learn a lot here, to write in steem schools, what more when it is called, "There is no easy way, there is no hard road, there is a road you have to go through", maybe time I should pursue and study here if allowed. Success always for you.

See you at the top