Should We Pay? - The Artist

Will you pay m.jpg

The Community pays the bill?

Should the artist be paid on Steemit and more specifically for joining a community?
I remember the time I posted in a community and my post was not only muted but I was also told I was not welcome unless I paid. I decided not to pay because to my opinion I did not only add something to this community but also that community could not explain where the Steem was used for and what my benefit would be. The same I feel today about communities asking for delegations. I have no idea what it is used for. Some say to give a better upvote but I notice those upvotes aren't always given and if not to everyone. It's a dilemma communities can struggle with as well because who deserves an upvote? Only those who delegate Steem? Setting a fanbase for members of a community isn't easy because the vote will be given if the member posts even if it's in a different community so it's manual work, no bot at work.


It is what I like to support and so do others with me but what I don't understand is why some "artists" who hardly earn today expect me to pay them. I say "me" because I started the community Art & Artists. So yes, it's me trying to grow the community with the steem I earn. If you have a close look at what I write and how I am rewarded it's a miracle I can do that and indeed Art & Artists is not the only community I try to grow.
Why do I grow it (more Steem/SP)? To make it possible to give upvotes. Crazy isn't it? Next, to that, I give a hand by paying for the prizes of their contests. After what I read this morning I have to ask myself if this is a wise thing to do. Why should I continue what others start and are not willing to invest in? Why does it have to be paid by me? It feels as if it's getting more and more a trend and it's something I don't like.

By the way, I do consider myself lucky that I found some people who love art as well and like to promote and grow this community I started for @tezzmax. But this doesn't mean that those who invest their precious time can be abused, they already sacrifice themselves just like I do and sorry, but that extra drawing is not worth it..


So artist I like to aks you where your greed comes from. How come you don't promote yourself? Why is it you expect me to pay for you while you never gave me a single upvote? To my opinion you should be grateful there are idiots roaming Steem to unite you with likeminded so you are noticed more, easier. Not only by other artists but also by Steemians and curators. I believe it's worth the try and that's why I empty my pockets and invest my scarce time in promoting others. Still, this doesn't mean that my time and love for you as an artist is unlimited. More than once, I wonder why I am that fool investing time in you instead of myself.
While you go out and have I live I sit and type my fingers off and try to give a hand. A hand that is taken for granted.
For now, I won't say your name and I have no doubts you will read this and I'm fine with that since I write this most of all for me. To remind me of people like you. Those who love it the easy way but I like to tell you this: If it comes to me you are not welcome not even if you pay.


Should an artist be paid for his work? My answer is yes since a job is a job but what counts for you counts for me as well. I am an artist and unlike most, I work and promote myself. I comment and you see me show up everywhere. This is a must especially if you join a platform like Steemit where you are not the only one. Indeed, you are lucky if a SC knows you exist and you receive an upvote but will you still receive one if there's no SC?
Also... in the real world, you have to promote your art as well and if not you have to pay someone to promote you. This is how it works and not the other way around.
The time of the promoter is as precious as yours, especially if that person can not do his job and earn because of you.


Links Community Art & Artists

Art & Artists - rules
Seeking - Art & Artists
Decrypting the Art World

Header/photogrid: Canva

 16 hours ago 

Hi @wakeupkitty, it is an interesting article and my feeling is it is address to someone particular. It is difficult to guess to whom you are addressing it. I do not know what was the aim of this post, is it something that you want "the person" to read then it is better to name the name of a person, otherwise there is no sense.

I agree with you that creative people and artists they deserved to be promoted but on other hand those people should do their best to promote themselves too. Why how others should know about "the artist" and his existence if the person is not being around and not communicating with others.

The place here on blogging platform is no the right place if a person decided simple post and sit and wait that someone will visit him/her. This is a platform that needs engagement and communication with others. Taking active part in other activities and showing themselves.

Everyone here can build up his blog and his reputation with his own wiliness, working hard, investing time and their creative ideas.

Hmmmm.... I kinda understand your stand here. Though, I've been within the steem community for a while now and what I've seen within the community overtime has really made it difficult for me to be so expressing and engaging. I could remember the days of getting flagged just because you made a harmful comment underneath a post. Trust me, it's been crazy!

I just have to give a sigh!.