 5 months ago (edited)

You can't.

If you want to save only 1 key it should be your owner key. You did not save your keys elsewhere? Stolen or broken phone you would have lost them.

Did you never use an other device? Never sent the keys to yourself by email? Did your phone make backups, perhaps to a cloud?

With only a posting key you can't do much. How did you save that one?

How about the public keys do you have them? They are the extra set of keys generated by

You have @steemcurator01 set to recover your account but there's nothing to recover without keys.

I noticed you were inactive for 2 years. It's a pity of your SP but starting new is the only solution. Perhaps you can refer to the old account and copy your introduction post if you feel that is necessary.


Okay.. thank you so much for your kind information.