Medicinal properties of Patharkuchi leaves

in R2cornell5 years ago (edited)

Patharkuchi is one of the medicinal plants that has been used since ancient times. According to medical scientists, Patharkuchi leaves are especially useful in various diseases including kidney disease. Let's find out about the medicinal properties of Patharkuchi leaves.

  1. Removal of kidney stones
    Patharkuchi leaves help in removing kidney and goiter stones.

  2. Flatulence
    Many times it is seen that the stomach is swollen and urine is stuck. In that case, one or two teaspoons of crushed stone juice with a little sugar can be heated and mixed with water.

  3. Epilepsy
    In case of epilepsy, 2-10 drops of crushed leaf juice should be given in the mouth. A little stomach will cure the disease.

  4. Abdominal pain in children
    If the child has abdominal pain, 30-60 drops of crushed stone leaf juice massaged in the abdomen relieves the pain.


  1. Skin care
    Patharkuchi leaves contain a lot of water which is very beneficial for the skin. At the same time, it has the ability to reduce inflammation.

  2. Piles
    Mix black pepper with the juice of Patharkuchi leaves and drink it to get rid of piles and hemorrhoids.

  1. Cure jaundice
    Fresh crushed leaves and its juice are very useful to protect against any liver problems.

  2. Body burns
    Two teaspoons of crushed leaf juice mixed with half a cup of hot water is taken twice a day.

  3. High blood pressure
    Controls high blood pressure and relieves bladder problems.

AgamiNews / Laughter / NNR

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Ничего не имею против растений, особенно таких красивых, но когда речь заходит о такой серьезной проблеме, как камни в почках, то уверена, что лучше не рисковать, нужно обращаться к доктору. У мужа была такая проблема, обратились к хирургу на Печерске знаем, что здесь хорошие доктора, т.к. уже обращались сюда, когда у меня воспалился аппендицит. Сейчас камни удаляют современным, щадящим способом, так что бояться нечего, смело идите к доктору. А вот самолечением можно себе серьезно навредить.