"I Love My Body / shadow punches and arm circle" by @Gracyakan

Hello Everyone

Week two 2 lesson on cardiovascular exercise.

Boxing or punching the shadow


This is the act of throwing punches at the air or hitting the air as imaginary opponent. It can be done infront of the mirror or outside mirror.

Benefits of punching the shadow

  • It improves the cardiovascular fitness by making it stronger and balance well

  • It reduces the stress level of the whole body

  • It strengthen the groups of muscle tone and core such as shoulder, arm, legs and chest

  • It reduces stress and tension

  • It helps to improve coordination and balancing

  • It increases energy level and boost confidence

  • It improves endurance

  • It increases heart rate and improve the health of the heart

  • It provides a good cardiovascular workout


Arm circle

It is the act of extending the arms to the side and make a small circle with the hands on the air.

  • It helps the surrounding muscles to contract thereby reducing the flabby arms or burn out fat around the arms and shoulders.

  • It helps in good posture

  • It helps in resetting the thoracic spine

  • It helps in breathing normally

  • It improves blood flow to the shoulder joints

  • It improves range of motion

  • It increases shoulder and arm movement

  • It improves muscles tone



Shadow punching or boxing on the 3 sides of the body: up, down and sides.

Forward,40 punchesRestRepeat
sides and upwardson each sidesfor 10 secondsthe number on each sides without editing the video

Arm circle both clockwise and anticlockwise

and anticlockwisecircles eachfor 10 secondssame without editing the video.

What was the overall feelings at the end of the program?

I felt tired a little but later refreshing and calm

where did you feel the pains the most?

I felt pains mostly at the deltoid and biceps muscle that is the shoulder and arm

Do you think shadow boxing and arm circle are good for you and will you recommend it for others?

Yes they are very good exercise to the cardiovascular system, shoulder, arms and legs even the core and the lower body so it is good for the body and needs to be done also i will recommend it to others since it is good for the body and promote healthy living.

I invite @iddy, @pinkysmart and @ransylove to participate in this. Here is the link

Thanks for reading
