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RE: Let's teach our users to use Creative Commons Licensed images.

in Steem Alliance2 years ago

Your post is nice but it is not in accordance to our community rule, that is why it is not accepted.

For example, you made a post concerning how to refrain from copy-righted images, this is what every Moderator/Admin should know.

The tutorial post you have given should be for newbies that doesn't know how to differentiate between a copy-righted and a copyright-free image.


I suggested that you go through our Community rules.

I hope you can do so and see other types of posts not accepted. Thanks!


Porque es un llamado a qué los administradores y comunidades hagan una publicación en sus comunidades para instruir a los nuevos usuarios.

Además, supiera usted la cantidad de moderadores y administradores que no saben que imágen es de uso libre y que no